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Acquiring Character ワテクシは美の化身ヴィーナス! I'm[1] the embodiment of beauty, Veeeeeeeenus!
美しさに目が潰れないよう、気をつけなさい Be careful not to be blinded by beauty.
一緒に愛のダンスを踊りましょうベイビー Let’s dance the dance of love together, baby!
Start Up / Return よし、とりあえずキスをしましょう Alright, let’s start with a kiss.
花は短く、だからこそ美しく咲き誇るの Flowers bloom beautifully because their time is short.
待ってたわよ、ワテクシのチェリーパイ I’ve been waiting, my cherry pie.
After Choosing Hero ワテクシの美しさには誰も追いつけないわ! No one can match my beauty!
攻めも受けもまっかせなさい! Leave both offense and defense to me![2]
世界に愛と美を伝えに行きましょう! Let’s go spread love and beauty to the world!
Unclaimed Presents メール……もしかしてラブレター!? Mail... Could it be a love letter?!
ワテクシの深ーい愛が届いたのね! So, my deep, deep love has reached you!
手紙はジャパニーズ毛筆に限るわね Letters are best written with Japanese calligraphy.
Mission Achieved ワテクシのパッションは止められないわ! Nothing can stop my passion!
ダンシングチェリーパイね A dancing cherry pie, huh?
愛と美が地球を救うの。でしょ? Love and beauty will save the world, won’t they?
New Highlights イベントでワテクシがさらに輝くわ! I’ll shine even brighter at the event!
フェスティバルへの参加は欠かさないわ! I never miss a festival!
あらやだ、世界がワテクシ達に何か言ってるわ Oh my, the world seems to be saying something to us!
楽しみすぎてヨダレ出ちゃいそう I’m so excited I might drool.
Gacha (Pulling) ワテクシほどじゃないけど、美しい光景ね What a beautiful sight, though not as beautiful as me.
Gacha チェリーパーイ! Cherry pie!
エークセレント! Eeeexcellent!
美しすぎる! Too beautiful!
やだ、チェリーパイじゃない Oh no, it’s not cherry pie.
まるでチェリーパイね It’s just like cherry pie.
Account Level Up この感動一生忘れないわ! I’ll never forget this feeling!
すごいわ!アナタこそチェリーパイよ! Amazing! You’re the real cherry pie!
ご褒美はワテクシのカ・ラ・ダ Your reward is... my body.
Rank Up 嬉しすぎて……涙が溢れてきちゃうわ I’m so happy I can’t stop crying.
美しい!今日のためにワテクシは生きてきたんだわ! Beautiful! I’ve lived my whole life for this moment!
バトルはダンス、テンポが大切なのよ A battle is a dance, tempo is everything.
Rank Down 泣かないで……ワテクシも泣きそうになるじゃない Don’t cry...or I’ll end up crying too.
まずはじっくりキスをしましょう。話はそれからよ First, let’s take our time with a kiss. We’ll talk after that!
抱きしめてあげる……あらやだ、どうして逃げるのかしら? I’ll hold you... Oh my, why are you running away?
Modifying Medals ベイビーの美しさは100点、ワテクシの美しさは一億点! Baby, your beauty is a perfect, but mine is a billion points!
内面の美しさこそ外見に表れるものよ Inner beauty is what truly reflects on the outside.
聞いて大変よ!さらに美しくなってしまったわ! Listen up, this is serious! I’ve become even more beautiful!
Tap Reaction 醜く生きるくらいなら、潔い死を選ぶわ。それこそが……チェリーパイ!! If I had to live an ugly life, I’d choose an honorable death. That’s...CHERRY PIE!!
美しい筋肉は全てを解決するわ。そう!ワテクシのようにっ! Beautiful muscles solve everything! Just like mine!
あら、ベイビー良い顔してるじゃない……好みだわ Oh my, baby, you’ve got a nice face... I like it.
キスしたいの?いいわよ、目を瞑りなさい!んん……はぁ、ごちそうさま Want a kiss? Alright, close your eyes! Mmm... ahh, delicious.
もっと触りなさい、そう、もっと、もっとよ!あぁ離さないで! Touch me more, yes, more, more! Ah, don’t let go!
Team Introduction 恋のアヴァンチュール、大歓迎よ Adventures in love? Bring them on!
待っててね、まだ見ぬ恋人達 Wait for me, my yet-to-be-seen lovers.
ヘイカモン!チェリーパイ! Hey, c’mon! Cherry pie!
Capturing a Key 全身全霊で愛してあげる! I’ll love you with all my heart and soul!
さぁさぁさぁさぁチェリーパイ! Come, come, come, cherry pie!
この大きさ、さてはビッグマグナムね! This size... could it be a Big Magnum?
Hero Action (Charging) 抱きしめ準備! Ready to embrace!
逃さないわよ I won’t let you escape.
ターゲット……ロックオン! Target... locked on!
可愛いコは逃さないわ I won’t let a cutie get away.
Hero Action (Using) たべちゃうわよ I’ll eat you right up.
愛は、美しく! Love is beautiful!
愛は、激しく! Love is intense!
Hero Gauge Max 踊りの衝動が、抑えきれなーい! I can’t suppress the urge to dance!
Hero Skill (Before use) ワテクシの愛は止められないわ! Nothing can stop my love!
ラブラブハリケーンを喰らいなさい! Take this love-love hurricane!
喜劇と悲劇のチェリーパイ! A cherry pie of comedy and tragedy!
Hero Skill (Using) ラーブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブ! Looove, love, love, love, love, love, love!
イッておしまいなさい! Go and finish them off!
ほらほらほらほらほらほらっ! Here, here, here, here, here, here!
Hero Skill (After use) ワテクシの魅力でフラフラみたいね Looks like my charm has left you dizzy.
ワテクシの愛、感じたかしら? Did you feel my love?
ワテクシに惚れてもいいのよ It’s fine to fall for me, you know.
Taunt アナタはどんな味のチェリーパイかしら? What flavor of cherry pie are you, I wonder?
Jumping はぁ Hah!
Landing ふん Hmm.
Regular Attack 抱いてあげる I’ll hold you.
遅いわね You’re so slow.
可愛いわね You’re adorable.
ほらほら! Here, here!
んふっ M-hm!
チェリーパイ! Cherry pie!
んふふふふふ Hehehehehe!
鈍い! So dull!
はぁ! Hah!
あッそれ Take that!
Attack Card (Near) 空高く羽ばたいて! Fly high into the sky!
美しく飛びなさい! Soar beautifully!
Attack Card (Far) アン、ドゥ、トロワァァア!! Un, deux, TROIS!!
ワン、トゥ、オラァァア!! One, two, ORAAA!!
Attack Card (Rapid) カモンカモンカモンカモーン! C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!
突いて突いて突いて突いて! Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust!
Attack Card (Area) 見惚れていいのよ You can stare at me all you like.
愛はハリケーンよ! Love is a hurricane!
Movement Card (Door, recovery, starting point) レディたるもの、優雅にいきましょう A lady must remain graceful.
ジェントルマンは慌てないものよ A gentleman never panics.
Movement Card (Telepass) 会いたかったわ! I’ve missed you!
早く抱きしめさせて早く! Hurry up, let me hold you, quickly!
Defense Card 全身で愛してあげちゃう I’ll shower you with love!
お化粧ターイムッ! Makeup time!
Buff/Heal Card きゅんきゅんしちゃうわ I’m swooning!
美しさは……罪! Beauty is... a sin![3]
燃え盛るほどヒート! This heat is blazing![4]
Trap Card いい子はこうやって捕まえるのよ This is how you catch a good child.
アナタを愛して離さない麗しのラブトラップ発動! I’ll unleash an irresistible love trap and never let you go!
Taking Damage あんっ Ahn!
あっふん Ahuunn!
がふっ Gffh!
はぁあ! Haah!
エクセレント! Excellent!
エクスタシィ! Ecstasy!
ビューティ! Beauty!
へぐ! Eguhh!
Buff アナタの愛、受け取ったわ! I’ve received your love!
心の底から湧き上がる……これは、愛! From the depths of my heart... this is love!
クールじゃない、ありがと Not bad at all. Thank you.
Healing なんて美しいチェリーパイ…… What a beautiful cherry pie...
完全回復! Fully recovered!
みなぎるぞハート! My heart is pounding![4]
Debuff 美しくない、美しくないわ! Not beautiful, not beautiful at all!
まるで潰れたチェリーパイね…… It’s like a squashed cherry pie...
あっふんはぁ、ゾクゾクきちゃうわ Ahhn, ooh, I’m tingling all over.
Debuff (Stunned) この痺れ……これは、恋! This numbness... is this love?
Killing an Enemy ヘイカモーン! Hey, c’mon!
チェリーパアアアアアアイッ Cherry piiiieeee!
散華しちゃいなさい Scatter and bloom!
徒花も美しいわね Even fleeting, fruitless flowers are beautiful.
いつだって抱いてあげるわ I’ll always hold you close.
美しさが足りないからよ It’s because there’s not enough beauty.
Death もっと激しくしてちょうだい! More! Do it more intensely!
認めるわ、貴方こそがヴィーナス I acknowledge it—you’re... Venus herself.
あぁ、空に溶ける…… Aaah, dissolving into the sky...
あふう、昇天しちゃうわぁ Ahhuh, I’m ascending!
Respawn たっぷりお礼をしなきゃね。ンフフフフフ!楽しみだわぁ I must give you a grand thanks. Hehehehehe! I’m looking forward to it!
ベイビーを抱くまでは……死ねない! Until I hold my baby... I can’t die!
あぁ!……河原で美しい花畑がみえたわ! AAAH, hah! ...I saw a beautiful flower field by the dry river bed![5]
Best Player チェリーパイ!また会いましょうね、チェリーパイ CHERRY PIE! Let’s meet again, cherry pie!
  1. Pororotcho’s first-person pronoun is “watekushi.” Although it is similar to the pronoun watakushi, it is not actually used in Japanese, so it could be considered a neopronoun.
  2. Though the literal translation could apply to battles, this is a clear reference to the concept of “seme” and “uke” in Boys’ Love, implying that Pororotcho is a vers.
  3. A phrase popularized by the ending theme of the landmark BL/bishounen anime, Patalliro! (美しさは罪とは? 意味や使い方) (パタリロ!-ED)
  4. 4.0 4.1 A reference to Jonathan Joestar's quote 「ふるえるぞハート!燃えつきるほどヒート!!」 ("My heart is pounding! This burning heart!)" in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood.
  5. A reference to the Sanzu River. Some Japanese people see this river, a flower garden on a dry river bed, and deceased family on the other side of the river as near-death experience.
Attackers Soubiki NohoOuka TadaomiMarcos'55Sol BadguyRyuMaria =S= LeonbergAdam YurievRemKy KiskeVenus PororotchoDevilmintkiryu DelminLeviSaber AlterRurukaAis WallensteinKitsunegasaki AmairoNoctisIgnis 'Will' WispKiritoStellea Lala Silva2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoCu SithDenjiTanya DegurechaffCollapseBondrewdGon
Gunners RirikaLucianoFukagawa MatoiDizzy13 (Thirteen)EmiliaMeg MegKagamine RinIstaqaSon YurievNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroGilgameshHM-WA100 NidhoggAkutagawa RyunosukeGame Bazooka GirlAinz Ooal GownItomeguri RinneBugdollAcceleratorKing of the Sky Blaze DragonRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariShinonMilipoyu
Tanks Justice HancockJeanne d'ArcGustav HeydrichVioletta NoireKagamine LenMonokumaMeguminThomasSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuReisalin StoutAoharu AliceLovey ChouchoumarchouAmistad BalandinOnigashiki Ura
Sprinters Juumonji AtariVoidollNikola TeslaHatsune MikuCoquelicot BlancheChun-LiHeroic DasherZack and RachelKiryuin KiraraAquaReiyaPierre the 77thNakajima AtsushiJokerAsunaRamAl-Dahab AlkhatiyaBell CranelNanigashiPowerKillua
Collaboration Sol BadguyDizzyHatsune MikuRyuChun-LiEmiliaRemKy KiskeKagamine RinKagamine LenZack and RachelMonokumaAquaMeguminLeviNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroSaber AlterGilgameshSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuAis WallensteinNoctisNakajima AtsushiAkutagawa RyunosukeReisalin StoutJokerAinz Ooal GownKiritoAsunaRam2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoAcceleratorBell CranelRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariDenjiPowerShinonTanya DegurechaffBondrewdGonKillua