NND Compass Wiki
Theme Of
Devilmintkiryu Delmin
Song Title
Romaji: Wakusei no dansu fro
English: The World's Dancefloor
Movie: Norainu
Illustration: Nanakawa
Hatsune Miku
Release Date
NicoNico Broadcast (Hatsune Miku ver.)
YouTube Broadcast (Delmin ver. CV:Misaki Watada)


Japanese Romaji
「今日は満たされた日だな」 kyou wa mitasareta hi da na
そんな嘘をついてたんだ sonna uso o tsuiteta nda
くだらなくもない楽しくもない kudaranaku mo nai tanoshiku mo nai
誰かに承認を求めない dareka ni shounin o motomenai
大体はそうだった daitai wa sou datta

零れそうな するりdrop downだナミダ koboresou na sururi drop down da namida
ふわり眩暈がするな fuwari memai ga suru na

昇ってゆく景色 宇宙へ飛び込んだら nobotte yuku keshiki uchuu e tobikondara
やっと息ができるのかな 無重力のDesire yatto iki ga dekiru no ka na mujuuryoku no Desire

惑星のダンスフロア wakusei no dansufuroa
明日を待ち 今日を問う asu o machi kyou o tou
そんな日も僕を強くするんだ sonna hi mo boku o tsuyoku suru nda

奇跡と出会えたら kiseki to deaetara
今までと少し違う 笑い方できるだろうか ima made to sukoshi chigau waraikata dekiru darou ka
信じてみよう shinjite miyou

押さえ込んだ感情 osaekonda kanjou
傷にGive me 麻酔じゃない kizu ni Give me masui janai
合わせたい額 見えない未来 awasetai hitai mienai mirai
だけどマイクロフォンは良好 dakedo maikurofon wa ryoukou

明日も明後日も下っても asu mo asatte mo kudatte mo
歌ってよTune upしよう utatte yo Tune up shiyou
だってこのナンバーは まだ始まったばかりさ datte kono nanbaa wa mada hajimatta bakari sa
プチャへンザ puchaenza

迷いもう無くなったんだ mayoi mou naku natta nda
星に願い言ったんだ hoshi ni negai itta nda

駆け抜けてエブリデイ ループ&ループで kakenukete eburidei ruupu&ruupu de
やっと息が出来たような yatto iki ga dekita you na
そんな気がするみたいな? sonna ki ga suru mitai na?

惑星のダンスフロア wakusei no dansufuroa
真っ逆さま落ちてゆく 星を蹴って高く massakasama ochite yuku hoshi o kette takaku
さぁホップステップジャンプ saa hoppu suteppu janpu

ビートを浴びたなら biito o abita nara
どこまでも旅をしよう doko made mo tabi o shiyou
無限大宇宙の旅路で mugendai uchuu no tabiji de
声をあげよう koe o ageyou

輝かしい世界は 知らない時代ばっか kagayakashii sekai wa shiranai jidai bakka
朝焼けレーザービームが 始まりを呼び起こして asayake reezaabiimu ga hajimari o yobiokoshite

惑星のダンスフロア 惑星のダンスフロア wakusei no dansufuroa wakusei no dansufuroa

惑星のダンスフロア wakusei no dansufuroa
明日を待ち 今日を問う asu o machi kyou o tou
そんな日も僕を強くするんだ sonna hi mo boku o tsuyoku suru nda
奇跡と出会えたら kiseki to deaetara
今までと少し違う 笑い方できるだろうか ima made to sukoshi chigau waraikata dekiru darou ka
信じてみよう shinjite miyou

分かち合いたい大概 今日も冴えないDrive Drive wakachiaitai taigai kyou mo saenai Drive Drive
だけどFly Fly Fly Fly 連なって旅立つメロディーに dakedo Fly Fly Fly Fly tsuranatte tabidatsu merodii ni

English Translation
“Today is a fruitful day”
is the kind of lie that is told
It’s not even trivial, it’s no fun at all
I’m not seeking approval from anyone
Mostly it just felt like it was

about to all spill out. The tears drop down so smoothly
Feeling so fluffy and dizzy

The scenery will rise if I jump into space
I wonder if I can finally breathe. The desire of weightlessness

Dance Floor of the Planet
Don’t wait for tomorrow, ask today
It’s days like these that I become stronger

If I ever meet a miracle,
I’ll be a little different from now. I wonder if I’ll be able to laugh,
I’ll try to believe.

Suppressed emotions
to the wound, Give me, not the anesthesia
I want to match it up but I can’t see the future
but the microphone is perfect

Tomorrow, the next day and the day after too,
I’ll sing and Tune up
It’s because this number is just the beginning so
Put Your Hands Up

It seems like I lost my way
so I wished upon the stars

Running through everyday, in a loop and loop
Doesn’t it feel like
you can breathe again?

Dance Floor of the Planet
Let’s fall headlong, kick the stars up high,
now Hop Step Jump! (Jump!)

If you got the Beat,
you can travel to anywhere
on the journey through the infinite universe
Let’s raise our voices.

The glorious world is filled with, unknown generations
The morning glow’s Laser Beam, evokes the beginning

Dance Floor of the Planet... Dance Floor of the Planet...

Dance Floor of the Planet
Don’t wait for tomorrow, ask today
It’s days like these that I become stronger
If I ever meet a miracle,
I’ll be a little different from now. I wonder if I’ll be able to laugh,
I’ll try to believe

Mostly I want to share, it’s so dull today Drive Drive
But I will Fly Fly Fly to the melody that’s traveling in a chain
English Translation by harukapan in Tumblr
