NND Compass Wiki
Theme Of
Nikola Tesla
Song Title
Romaji: Tesla wa Yume no Naka
Official English: Tesla in a dream
TOKOTOKO (music, lyrics)
Bete (illust, video)
Tomobo-P (mixing, mastering)
7@ (encode)
Hatsune Miku
Release Date
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji
おもちゃの兵隊が木々をかき分けて omocha no heitai ga kigi o kakiwakete
パッパラ、口笛を吹いてさ pappara, kuchibue o fuite sa

そんな夢の続きが今、ボクを引き止めて sonna yume no tsuzuki ga ima, boku o hikitomete
さっきからまるで眠くないんだよ sakki kara marude nemukunai nda yo

顔、体形、瞳の色、髪型じゃわからない kao, katachi, me no iro, kamigata ja wakaranai
ハリボテの日々を行け haribote no hibi o yuke

ボクもこんな風に出来るはず boku mo konna fuu ni dekiru hazu
麒麟児にゃ努力も欠かせない kirinji nya doryoku mo kakasenai
何千何百回繰り返してさ nan sen nan hyaku kai kurikaeshite sa
生まれた命だよ、さあ I'll go umareta inochi da yo, saa I'll go

大人の話す未来はちょっと飽き飽きで otona no hanasu mirai wa chotto aki aki de
ラッタラ、口笛を吹いてさ rattara, kuchibue o fuite sa

昨日の夢の続きに今、ボクは魅せられて kinou no yume no tsuzuki ni ima, boku wa miserarete
さっきからまるで聞いてないんだよ sakki kara marude kiitenai nda yo

歴史上に残るような rekishi jou ni nokoru you na
泡沫、消えちゃうような utakata, kiechau you na
1,2,3 で雲の上 wan, tsuu, surii de kumonoue

どんな悲しい出来事も donna kanashii dekigoto mo
湯がいて食べて寝てまた明日 yu ga ite tabete nete mata ashita
なんか隣の星くらいは nanka tonari no hoshi kurai wa
行けそうな気分だよ、さあ I'll go ike sou na kibun da yo, saa I'll go

ボクもこんな風に出来るはず boku mo konna fuu ni dekiru hazu
麒麟児にゃ努力も欠かせない kirinji nya doryoku mo kakasenai
何千何百回繰り返してさ nan sen nan hyaku kai kurikaeshite sa
生まれた命だよ、さあ I'll go umareta inochi da yo, saa I'll go

生まれた命だろ、さあ歩こう umareta inochi daro, saa arukou

English Translation
The toy soldiers push through the trees,
Blowing their whistles with a "pappala."

Now, the continuation of such a dream stops me in my tracks,
And I wasn't completely sleepy to start with.

I won't understand from the face, the body, the eye color, or the hairstyle.
Advance through these spurious days!

I too should be able to do it this way.
A child prodigy can't be lacking in effort either.
"Do it thousands and hundreds of times again."
This is the life I was born in, c'mon, I'll go.

I'm a little sick of the future the grownups talk about,
So I'll blow my whistle with a "lattala."

Now, I'm enchanted by the continuation of that dream I had yesterday,
And I wasn't really listening to start with.

As though leaving its mark on history,
Or as though popping quicker than a bubble,
It sits above the clouds with a 1, 2, 3.

No matter what sad things happen,
I'll bathe, eat, and sleep, and see you tomorrow.
For some reason, I feel like I'm gonna head
To a neighboring planet or thereabouts, c'mon, I'll go.

I too should be able to do it this way.
A child prodigy can't be lacking in effort either.
"Do it thousands and hundreds of times again."
This is the life I was born in, c'mon, I'll go.

This must be the life I was born in, c'mon, let's walk.
English Translation by MeaningfulUsername has been approved on Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki


  • A jazz remix of this song was played in official real events such as #COMPASS Live Arena Aichi and Tokyo Game Show 2018 Day 1. However, the remixer's name is unknown.
  • Originally, the title of the song was simply 'Tesla', but TOKOTOKO changed it because the word 'Tesla' reminded him of Gold Dynamo Roller (called "Dynamo Roller Tesla" in the Japanese version), one of weapons in Splatoon, and it had a heavy image.[1]
  • This song was used as ending music in official stage events until it got replaced by Didn't I Tell You?, Kiryuin Kirara's theme song. Kirara and Tesla were both designed by the artist apapico.

