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Acquiring Character 我が覇道、一心に進むのみ! My rule of might, I follow single-mindedly!
ふむ、こういうものを着ると民衆が喜ぶのか? Hmm, so wearing this would please my people?
我が強さを示すに足る衣装だな An attire fitting to show my strength.
Start Up / Return すべての憂いから、お前を救おう I will save you from all of your sorrow.
力でしか救えぬ者もいる。悲しいことだな There are people that can only be salvaged with power, how miserable.
なぜ我の理想を(かい)せぬのか Why can't you understand my ideals?
After Choosing Hero お前の選択は正しい、安心しろ You've made the right choice, have no fear.
我が理想実現のため、この力をふるう! To materialize my ideals, I will bear this power!
我に逆らう者は斬り伏せる! Those who oppose me shall be slashed down!
Unclaimed Presents 遠慮はいらぬ No need to hold back.
そう物欲しそうな顔をするな Don't make such a desperate face.
供物か、受け取っておけ An offering? Very well, I’ll accept it.
Mission Achieved 朝飯前とはこのことだな This is nothing more than what you would call a 'piece of cake'.
予想はできたことだ Such I am able to predict.
児戯に過ぎぬ Nothing but child's play.
New Highlights お前に益のある情報なら良い This had better be information beneficial to you.
下々の動きを知ることも肝要 It's also vital to know about the activity of the commoners.
確と見ておけ Observe carefully.
Gacha (Pulling) 勝利のため、万全を期す I will do everything in my power to win.
Gacha 運すらも我に味方する Even fortune is my ally.
弘法筆を選ばずという There’s a saying, "A skilled craftsman doesn’t blame his tools."
使えるものは全て使う、それだけだ I will use what I can use, that's all to it.
手札は多いほうが良い The more cards in hand, the better.
何が来ようと我の勝利は揺るがぬ! Whatever shall come, my victory is unshakeable!
Account Level Up 思う存分、お前の道を進むがよい Go forth and follow your chosen path to the fullest.
まだ上を目指せる、慢心するな You can still aim higher, don’t become complacent.
ひとまずは褒めてつかわそう I shall praise you for the time being.
Rank Up ようやく我の力を理解したか Do you finally understand my power now?
何であれ、高みに登るというのは、気持ちの良いものだ Indeed, reaching new heights is a pleasant feeling.
我と共に戦えることに感謝せよ You should be thankful that you can fight alongside me.
Rank Down 所詮庶民には、我の力は分からんのだ Ultimately, the commoners cannot comprehend my power.
我の力を持ってしても、これか…… Even with my power, this is what I get....
くっ、何たる屈辱…… Tch, how humiliating....
Modifying Medals ひとまずは褒めてつかわそう I shall praise you for the time being.
まだ上を目指せる、慢心するな You can still aim higher, don’t become complacent.
ようやく我の力を理解したか Do you finally understand my power now?
Tap Reaction ふっ…人肌にやすらぎを感じるなど、我も未熟 Hmmph...To feel comfort in the warmth of human touch, I too am still immature……
思わず触れたくなる気持ちはわかるが、やめておけ I understand your sudden desire to touch, but refrain from doing so.
普段なら消し炭にしてやるところだが……ふっ、よかろう Usually I would turn people like you into ashes, but... Hmph, I'll forgive you this time.
我に触れても、我のような人間にはなれぬぞ Even if you touch me, you cannot become someone like me.
我に触れられること自体が褒美だと知れ Know that being able to touch me is a reward in itself.
Team Introduction 我の糧になる栄誉を与えてやろう I'll bestow upon you the honor to become my food.
愚者に死を、我に勝利を! Death to the fools, victory to me!
我が理想のために、この身を捧げよう! For the sake of my ideals, I shall offer this body.
Capturing a Key さあ、我を恐れよ! Now, fear me!
ここを、我が国の領土としよう I shall claim this as a territory of my country.
考えることはない、我に委ねよ You need not think, entrust it all to me.
Hero Action (Charging) ゆくぞ Let's go!
Hero Action (Using) 穿ッ! Pierce!
死ね! Die!
Hero Gauge Max 我が、すべてを支配する! It is I, that shall conquer it all!
Hero Skill 我の真の力を開放する Now to release my true power.
Hero Skill [Unused] ここからだ。 It begins now.
静かだ。 It's quiet.
我の望む秩序がここにある This is the order I desire.
我に救う悪魔を見せてやろう I shall show you the devil to save you.
我に歯向かう罪深さ、思い知ったか Have you realized the sin it is to defy me?
絶望を始めるがよい Let the despair begin.
Passive [Unused] 次だ Next.
まだ終わらんぞ It's not over yet.
Taunt 斬ってやる、近う寄れ I'll slash you, come closer.
Jumping はぁ! Hah!
たぁ! Hah!
Landing んふぅ Nhuh
Regular Attack 死ね Die.
穿! Pierce!
はぁっ! Hah!
ふん! Fuh!
ぬん! Nun!
Regular Attack (2nd hit) ふっ Hu
Attack Card (Near) くらうがいい Eat this.
遠慮なく死ぬがいい Die without hesitation!
Attack Card (Far) 斬り捨てる価値すら感じぬ! You're not even worth cutting down!
近づくことは、許さぬ! I will not allow you to approach!
Attack Card (Rapid) 抵抗する気概すら折ってやろう I will crush even your will to resist.
跪け! Kneel!
Attack Card (Area) 地を舐めよ! Kiss the ground!
頭が高い! You boast too much!
Movement Card (Door, recovery, starting point) 時間の無駄だ What a waste of time.
Movement Card (Telepass) 油断するには早いぞ It's too early to be careless.
はっはっはっはっはっ! Hahahahaha!
Defense Card 無駄だ! It's useless!
Buff/Heal Card 慈悲を与えよう I shall show mercy.
感謝するがよい Be grateful.
Trap Card ここだな Here!
Card Skill [Unused]
実力だ It's skill.
Taking Damage ごほぉっ Gahaa!
ちっ Tch!
むっ Muh!
ぬっ Nuh!
ぬぉっ Nwogh!
笑止 Ridiculous!
Taking Damage (when down) ぬ゛あぁ! Nwaagh!
Buff ふむ、悪くない Hmm, not bad.
苦しゅうない No need to suffer.
いいぞ Good.
Healing はっはっは!行くぞ! Hahaha! Let's go!
準備は整った Preparations have been arranged.
我を崇めよ Worship me.
Debuff 屑の考えそうなことだ That’s what a fool would think of.
くだらん Ridiculous.
これで我に勝てると? You think you can win against me with this?
Debuff (Stun) ぬぉっ、おっ、ごぅっ…… Nwogh, agh, gaah.....
Killing an Enemy 安心しろ、峰打ちだ Don't worry, it's the blunt end.
眠れ Sleep.
滅! Annihilate!
我に逆らう者はこうなる This is what happens to those who defy me.
不敬罪だ This is a crime of disrespect.
Death ありえぬ……! Impossible.
下衆、が……! You, lowlife...!
死なぬ、ぞ……! I, won't die...!
Respawn 我を怒らせたな Now you've angered me.
我に膝をつかせたこと、悔いるがよい……! For you to make me kneel, you'll regret this...!
次は無い There won’t be a 'next time'.
Best Player 我の姿をその目で見たこと、一生誇るがよい For you who have seen my true form, boast it for the rest of your life.
Attackers Soubiki NohoOuka TadaomiMarcos'55Sol BadguyRyuMaria =S= LeonbergAdam YurievRemKy KiskeVenus PororotchoDevilmintkiryu DelminLeviSaber AlterRurukaAis WallensteinKitsunegasaki AmairoNoctisIgnis 'Will' WispKiritoStellea Lala Silva2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoCu SithDenjiTanya DegurechaffCollapseBondrewdGon
Gunners RirikaLucianoFukagawa MatoiDizzy13 (Thirteen)EmiliaMeg MegKagamine RinIstaqaSon YurievNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroGilgameshHM-WA100 NidhoggAkutagawa RyunosukeGame Bazooka GirlAinz Ooal GownItomeguri RinneBugdollAcceleratorKing of the Sky Blaze DragonRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariShinonMilipoyu
Tanks Justice HancockJeanne d'ArcGustav HeydrichVioletta NoireKagamine LenMonokumaMeguminThomasSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuReisalin StoutAoharu AliceLovey ChouchoumarchouAmistad BalandinOnigashiki Ura
Sprinters Juumonji AtariVoidollNikola TeslaHatsune MikuCoquelicot BlancheChun-LiHeroic DasherZack and RachelKiryuin KiraraAquaReiyaPierre the 77thNakajima AtsushiJokerAsunaRamAl-Dahab AlkhatiyaBell CranelNanigashiPowerKillua
Collaboration Sol BadguyDizzyHatsune MikuRyuChun-LiEmiliaRemKy KiskeKagamine RinKagamine LenZack and RachelMonokumaAquaMeguminLeviNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroSaber AlterGilgameshSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuAis WallensteinNoctisNakajima AtsushiAkutagawa RyunosukeReisalin StoutJokerAinz Ooal GownKiritoAsunaRam2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoAcceleratorBell CranelRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariDenjiPowerShinonTanya DegurechaffBondrewdGonKillua