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For Hero Challenges, please refer to respective hero page from here.

For collaboration missions, please see respective collaboration page from here.

Dailyicon Daily Missions[]

Those missions are reset at 00:00 (12 AM) JST every day.

Non-Random Missions[]

Japanese English Mission Rewards
バトルしよう Engage into battles Play 3 matches 1000 Card Energy
勝利しよう Get wins Win 3 matches 100 BitMoney

Random Missions[]

You can reroll one of those missions once per day.

Japanese English Mission Rewards
カードレベルアップしよう Level your card up Upgrade any card 5 times 2000 Card Energy
アタッカーでバトル Play as an Attacker Play 3 matches as an Attacker 100 BitMoney
ガンナーでバトル Play as a Gunner Play 3 matches as a Gunner 100 BitMoney
スプリンターでバトル Play as a Sprinter Play 3 matches as a Sprinter 100 BitMoney
タンクでバトル Play as a Tank Play 3 matches as a Tank 100 BitMoney
(Hero name)でバトル* Play as a (Hero name) Play 3 matches as a (hero name) 1 Hero Medal for respective hero
アタッカーで勝利 Win as an Attacker Win 2 matches as an Attacker 100 BitMoney
ガンナーで勝利 Win as a Gunner Win 2 matches as a Gunner 100 BitMoney
スプリンターで勝利 Win as a Sprinter Win 2 matches as a Sprinter 100 BitMoney
タンクで勝利 Win as a Tank Win 2 matches as a Tank 100 BitMoney
(Hero name)で勝利* Win as a (Hero name) Win 2 matches as a (hero name) 1 Hero Medal for respective hero
ベストプレイヤーになろう Be a Best Player Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) 3 times 2000 Card Energy
アタッカーでベストプレイヤー Be a Best Player as an Attacker Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) once as an Attacker 100 BitMoney
ガンナーでベストプレイヤー Be a Best Player as a Gunner Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) once as a Gunner 100 BitMoney
スプリンターでベストプレイヤー Be a Best Player as a Sprinter Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) once as a Sprinter 100 BitMoney
タンクでベストプレイヤー Be a Best Player as a Tank Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) once as a Tank 100 BitMoney
(Hero name)でベストプレイヤー* Be a Best Player as a (Hero name) Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) once as a (hero name) 1 Hero Medal for respective hero
タイムラインに投稿しよう Post to timeline Post anything to timeline once/twice 2000 Card Energy
ヒーロースキルを使おう Use Hero Skill Cast Hero Skill 5 times 2000 Card Energy
敵ヒーローを倒そう Kill enemy heroes Kill 20 enemies 2000 Card Energy
ポータルキーを制圧しよう Capture Portal Keys Capture 10 Portal Keys 2000 Card Energy
フォローしよう Follow someone Follow 5 players 1000 Card Energy

* Heroes released up to King of the Sky Blaze Dragon]] only. Collab heroes are not included. These missions are also not available during Ranking Seasons.

WeeklyiconWeekly Missions[]

Those missions are reset at 00:00 (12 AM) JST every Sunday.

Cooperate Missions[]

Japanese English Mission Rewards
週間協力ミッション (1) Weekly Cooperate Mission (1) Complete 100 missions (total of missions completed by you and players you follow) 100 BitMoney
週間協力ミッション (2) Weekly Cooperate Mission (2) Complete 400 missions (total of missions completed by you and players you follow) 150 BitMoney
週間協力ミッション (3) Weekly Cooperate Mission (3) Complete 1000 missions (total of missions completed by you and players you follow) 200 BitMoney

Guild Missions[]

Japanese English Mission Rewards
ギルド【(Guild tag)】ミッション(1/3) Guild (Guild tag) Mission (1/3) Play 100 matches (total of matches played by guild members) 1000 Card Energy
ギルド【(Guild tag)】ミッション(2/3) Guild (Guild tag) Mission (2/3) Capture 500 Portal Keys (total of portals captured by guild members) 1 Platinum Chip
ギルド【(Guild tag)】ミッション(3/3) Guild (Guild tag) Mission (3/3) Be an MVP (Get the highest score in your team and win) 100 times (total of matches whose MVP was a guild member) 5 Free Medals

Eventmissionicon Event Missions[]

Ranking Season Missions[]

These missions reset when the new Ranking Season begins.

Japanese English Mission Rewards
S2ランクを目指そう! Aim for S2 Rank! Reach S2 Rank 5000 Card Energy
S3ランクを目指そう! Aim for S3 Rank! Reach S3 Rank 1 Free Medal
S4ランクを目指そう! Aim for S4 Rank! Reach S4 Rank 10000 Card Energy
S5ランクを目指そう! Aim for S5 Rank! Reach S5 Rank 3 Free Medals
S6ランクを目指そう! Aim for S6 Rank! Reach S6 Rank 15000 Card Energy
S7ランクを目指そう! Aim for S7 Rank! Reach S7 Rank 5 Free Medals
S8ランクを目指そう! Aim for S8 Rank! Reach S8 Rank 20000 Card Energy
S9ランクを目指そう! Aim for S9 Rank! Reach S9 Rank 10 Free Medals

UR Selection Tickets Mission[]

This mission is repeatable.

Japanese English Mission Rewards
毎日ログインしよう Login everyday Login 90 days (Does not have to be consecutive login) 10 UR Selection Tickets

Other Missions[]

Tutorial Missions[]

Japanese English Mission Rewards
セーブデータ連携をしよう Link your save data Bind your account with Game Center or Google Play 500 BitMoney