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Profile Gallery Quotes Guide

Come, shall we go hunt our prey?

A queen leading the Red Roses hunting corps.
She dashes out of the palace and run through the battlefield.


Maria wears a set of armor similar to the units in her military. Despite its purpose, it reveals parts of the body, especially around the thighs, stomach, chest and arms. It includes armored boots and knee guards, zipped up thigh high leggings, an armored skirt and top with detached chestpiece as well as forearm guards and mid-arm length gloves.

Maria's hair is worn in a combination of a ponytail and twintails, with each tail fading from a bright red to a dark blue and spiraling as it travels downwards. She also wears black clips in an X formation on the pieces of hair in front of her face.

Her weapon, Serpiente, doubles as a chained whip sword that spreads out into segments whenever Maria attacks.



Card Activation Speed[]

The speeds below determine how fast the character uses the cards of that type, regardless of the card's individual cast speed. The speed is determined as either 'Slow', 'Normal' and 'Fast'

Card Types
Near Far Area Rapid
Normal Slow Normal Fast


Hero Skill - Serpiente Baile (Serpent Dance)

Maria spins Serpiente, creating a tornado that pulls in enemies on the entire field, dealing high damage if enemies are in the area of effect (a radius of 2 squares). This lasts for 6 seconds. Enemies who are using their Hero Skill can't be damaged and pulled. Enemies who are using 100% Guard cards can be pulled but can't be damaged. Sprinters can minimise the pull by dashing in the opposite direction of Maria.

Hero Ability - I Can't Take It Anymore

Maria's attack status increases by about 1.46 times for 5 seconds after she successfully lands her Hero Action.

Hero Action - Drawing In With An Offensive Hit / Serpiente Herida (Serpent Wound)

Maria pulls an enemy in range with Serpiente. The range is approximately 18 squares long, but extremely narrow. Hitting the enemy will deal damage, pull and knock down the enemy, and trigger Maria's Ability. Although Guard cards will prevent the enemy from being knocked down, they will still be pulled.


Win Match Kill 3 Opponents


Win Match

Use 3 Near Cards


Win Match

Kill 1 Opponent With Hero Skill


Win Match

Maria Hero Medal
Use 3 Cards


Win Match

Earn 2,500 Points


Win Match

Kill 3 Opponents with Card Skills


Win Match

Use 3 Rapid Cards


Win Match

Maria Hero Medal
Win Match Use Hero Action 6 Times


Win Match

Use Hero Skill Twice


Win Match

Capture 3 Portal Keys


Win Match

Maria Hero Medal
Win Match 28 Advantageous Attacks


Win Match

Kill 6 Opponents


Win Match

Kill 3 Opponents With Hero Skill


Win Match

Maria Hero Medal
100 Cardenergy 16 GB Chip 500 Cardenergy 500 Bitmoney



Song title
Umetora (music, lyrics)
Akiakane (illustration)
Megurine Luka, Hatsune Miku, GUMI, IA, Kagamine Rin
Release Date
December 21, 2017


Maria's Default Skin
Colour Variation 1
Colour Variation 2
Take it off so I can give you a check-up?
I will be of service
【Re:Zero】Felt Costume
【Guilty Gear】Baiken Costume
Hatsune Miku Costume
Will you rub lots of oil on me?
Nekomiya Hinata Costume
【Fate/stay night (HF)】 Rider Costume
Even if I die, I won't stop!
【FFXV】Aranea Costume
【Persona 5】Red Rubber Suit
I will be of service (Crimson)
#Irregular --Servant of the Red Roses--
Meet me behind the school building later?
【DanMachi】Hestia Costume
Live Arena Costume

Themed Cards[]

Card Name Rarity Rank Type Ability
【Princess of the Red Roses】Maria =S= Leonburg【紅薔薇王女】マリア=S=レオンブルク UR Event Far / Pull Attract far away prey ruthlessly
【Trajectory of the Holy War】Servant of Blue and Hunter of Crimson


UR Event Area / Pull Pulls surrounding enemies without mercy from an extreme range
Red Roses Assassination Technique Crueldad


UR A Far / Pull Pulls distant enemies
Red Roses Vice Captain Amistad


UR S1 Harm / Key / Stun Stuns enemies around the portal key in front for 4 seconds
Red Roses' Unbreakable Shield Innocente


SR C Strength / All Increases ally team's defense for 6 seconds
Lifeline of the Red Roses Valentia


SR A Area / Deprive Attacks surrounding enemies and converts 50% of damage done to life (medium damage)
Red Roses Royal Sword Serpiente


R D Weaken Decreases the defense of the enemy in front largely for 8 seconds


  • The name of Maria's Weapon, Serpiente, means "Serpent" in Spanish.
  • Maria's theme song was initially titled "DEEP RED", but the song was deemed unfitting to Maria's image and soon revised.[1]
  • The "B" in "KILLER B" doesn't stand for "BEE", but rather "BEAUTY", "BABY", "BITCH", and "BRUTAL".[1]
  • Maria's cup size is at least an F-cup.[1]
  • Maria shares a naming scheme with Idea =N= Yilanburg, representing that Idea is the Queen of the North (=N=) whilst Maria is the Queen of the South (=S=).
  • In Maria's Fate Collaboration costume, her eyes are covered at the beginning of a match. Using her Hero Skill reveals her eyes.


Attackers Soubiki NohoOuka TadaomiMarcos'55Sol BadguyRyuMaria =S= LeonbergAdam YurievRemKy KiskeVenus PororotchoDevilmintkiryu DelminLeviSaber AlterRurukaAis WallensteinKitsunegasaki AmairoNoctisIgnis 'Will' WispKiritoStellea Lala Silva2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoCu SithDenjiTanya DegurechaffCollapseBondrewdGon
Gunners RirikaLucianoFukagawa MatoiDizzy13 (Thirteen)EmiliaMeg MegKagamine RinIstaqaSon YurievNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroGilgameshHM-WA100 NidhoggAkutagawa RyunosukeGame Bazooka GirlAinz Ooal GownItomeguri RinneBugdollAcceleratorKing of the Sky Blaze DragonRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariShinonMilipoyu
Tanks Justice HancockJeanne d'ArcGustav HeydrichVioletta NoireKagamine LenMonokumaMeguminThomasSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuReisalin StoutAoharu AliceLovey ChouchoumarchouAmistad BalandinOnigashiki Ura
Sprinters Juumonji AtariVoidollNikola TeslaHatsune MikuCoquelicot BlancheChun-LiHeroic DasherZack and RachelKiryuin KiraraAquaReiyaPierre the 77thNakajima AtsushiJokerAsunaRamAl-Dahab AlkhatiyaBell CranelNanigashiPowerKillua
Collaboration Sol BadguyDizzyHatsune MikuRyuChun-LiEmiliaRemKy KiskeKagamine RinKagamine LenZack and RachelMonokumaAquaMeguminLeviNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroSaber AlterGilgameshSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuAis WallensteinNoctisNakajima AtsushiAkutagawa RyunosukeReisalin StoutJokerAinz Ooal GownKiritoAsunaRam2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoAcceleratorBell CranelRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariDenjiPowerShinonTanya DegurechaffBondrewdGonKillua