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Collab Kagamine Len is a collaboration hero.

Collaboration heroes can not be obtained outside of their respective collaboration events.

Profile Gallery Quotes Guide

I think this live show will be great!




Card Activation Speed[]

The speeds below determine how fast the character uses the cards of that type, regardless of the card's individual cast speed. The speed is determined as either 'Slow', 'Normal' or 'Fast'

Card Types
Near Far Area Rapid
Slow Normal Normal Normal


Hero Skill - Will you follow my soul beats?

Len creates the area that deals high damage and blows away enemies in a small area around him. It also increases his movement speed. This can't blow away enemies who using their Prevention cards or Guard effect of Heroic Dasher's Hero Skill, but it still deals damage unless they are using 100% guard. Enemies who using their Counter cards or Hero Skill can't be damaged and blew away.

Hero Ability - Mirror Twin's Bond ~Rin~

When Rin is nearby, Len's Hero Skill will charge automatically even if he's not in the Portal Area.

Hero Action - Self healing + Ally speed up

Len heals himself and increases all allies' movement speed.


Win Match Expand Portal Keys 10m


Win Match

Change Attributes 5 Times


Win Match

Use Hero Skill


Win Match

Len Hero Medal
Use 3 Cards


Win Match

Earn 2,500 Points


Win Match

Capture 2 Portal Keys


Win Match

Kill 2 Opponents


Win Match

Len Hero Medal
Win Match Earn 3,500 Points


Win Match

Expand Portal Keys 20m


Win Match

Use 6 Guard Cards


Win Match

Len Hero Medal
Win Match Kill 4 Opponents


Win Match

Capture 3 Portal Keys


Win Match

Expand Portal Keys 30m


Win Match

Len Hero Medal
100 Cardenergy 16 GB Chip 500 Cardenergy 500 Bitmoney



Song title
Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder (Len Version)
Kagamine Len
Release Date
2009 May 3rd


Justice Len
Song 'Senbonzakura' Costume

Themed Cards[]

Card Name Rarity Type Ability
【Enthusiastic Twins】Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len


UR Area / Deprive Attacks surrounding enemies and converts 80% of damage done to life (large damage)
【Dreamy Collaboration】Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin/Len


UR Healing / Continuous / Key Places a healing field around a portal key for 15 seconds
【Happy Singer】Kagamine Rin

【ハッピーシンガー】鏡音 リン

SR Strength Increases defense for 6 seconds
【Powerful Player】Kagamine Len

【パワフルプレイヤー】鏡音 レン

SR Area / Push Pushes surrounding enemies away
【Senbonzakura】Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Len


SR Strength / Deprive Normal attack converts 90% of damage done to life for 15 seconds


  • Len is the first collaboration tank-type hero.
Attackers Soubiki NohoOuka TadaomiMarcos'55Sol BadguyRyuMaria =S= LeonbergAdam YurievRemKy KiskeVenus PororotchoDevilmintkiryu DelminLeviSaber AlterRurukaAis WallensteinKitsunegasaki AmairoNoctisIgnis 'Will' WispKiritoStellea Lala Silva2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoCu SithDenjiTanya DegurechaffCollapseBondrewdGon
Gunners RirikaLucianoFukagawa MatoiDizzy13 (Thirteen)EmiliaMeg MegKagamine RinIstaqaSon YurievNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroGilgameshHM-WA100 NidhoggAkutagawa RyunosukeGame Bazooka GirlAinz Ooal GownItomeguri RinneBugdollAcceleratorKing of the Sky Blaze DragonRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariShinonMilipoyu
Tanks Justice HancockJeanne d'ArcGustav HeydrichVioletta NoireKagamine LenMonokumaMeguminThomasSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuReisalin StoutAoharu AliceLovey ChouchoumarchouAmistad BalandinOnigashiki Ura
Sprinters Juumonji AtariVoidollNikola TeslaHatsune MikuCoquelicot BlancheChun-LiHeroic DasherZack and RachelKiryuin KiraraAquaReiyaPierre the 77thNakajima AtsushiJokerAsunaRamAl-Dahab AlkhatiyaBell CranelNanigashiPowerKillua
Collaboration Sol BadguyDizzyHatsune MikuRyuChun-LiEmiliaRemKy KiskeKagamine RinKagamine LenZack and RachelMonokumaAquaMeguminLeviNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroSaber AlterGilgameshSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuAis WallensteinNoctisNakajima AtsushiAkutagawa RyunosukeReisalin StoutJokerAinz Ooal GownKiritoAsunaRam2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoAcceleratorBell CranelRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariDenjiPowerShinonTanya DegurechaffBondrewdGonKillua