Theme Of | |||
Game Bazooka Girl | |||
Song Title | |||
"リアルにぶっとばす" Romaji: Riaru ni Buttobasu | |||
Producer | |||
PinnochioP (Music/Lyrics/Illust) | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Release Date | |||
Mar.05.2021 | |||
Link | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji |
リアルにぶっとばす | riaru ni buttobasu |
これ以上 近寄んないでよ | koreijou chikayon'naide yo |
敵認定だ あっちいけよ | teki ninteida atchi ike yo |
でも あの頃は好きだったよ | demo anogoro wa sukidatta yo |
今日で さよなら自己愛のデーモン | kyou de sayonara jiko ai no deemon |
好き放題 砲弾ぶっこみたい | suki-houdai houdan bukko mitai |
めんどくさい あんたに言っときたい | mendokusai anta ni ittokitai |
ゲームじゃない フェイクじゃない | geemu janai feiku janai |
そう リアルにぶっとばす | sou riaru ni buttobasu |
虚勢を張ったミスマッチコーデ | kyosei o hatta misumatchikoude |
愛憎のロケットランチャーで | aizou no rokettoranchaa de |
だんだんだんだん だんだんとロンリー | dandan dandan dandan to ronrii |
もっと遠くへ | mottotoukuhe |
着火! | chakka! |
君をとりまく不幸を 幾星霜の試練を | kimi o torimaku fukou o ikuseisou no shiren o |
薄っぺらい冷笑を はっ倒すディストーション | usupperai reishou o hattaosu disutoushon |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす ※くらいのイメージです | riaru ni buttobasu ※kurai no imeejidesu |
世界 対 自分じゃない 自分 対 自分の戦争だよ | sekai tai jibun janai jibun tai jibun no sensouda yo |
キッツイねえ… | kittsui nee… |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
君の息の根を続かせるために | kimi no ikinone o tsudzuka seru tame ni |
おためごかしの通せんぼ | otamegokashi no tousenbo |
与太話はお馬鹿専用 | yotabana wa o baka sen'you |
冷めすぎて息が白いのよ | same sugite iki ga shiroi no yo |
寒空の下で決めたテイクオフ | samuzora no shita de kimeta teikuofu |
好き放題 砲弾ぶっこみたい | suki-houdai houdan bukko mitai |
めんどくさい あんたに言っときたい | mendokusai anta ni ittokitai |
ゲームじゃない フェイクじゃない | geemu janai feiku janai |
そう リアルにぶっとばす | sou riaru ni buttobasu |
空気をぶっ壊すペースメイカー | kuuki o bukkowasu peesumeikaa |
常習のマウントばっかで | joushuu no maunto bakka de |
たんたんたんたん 淡々と もういい | tan tan tan tan tantanto mou ii |
ほっといてくれ | hottoite kure |
爆破! | bakuha! |
凝り固まった思考を 謝らない粗相を | korikatamatta shikou o ayamaranai sosou o |
返事のない偽装を 暴き出すデセプション | henji no nai gisou o abakidasu desepushon |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす ※個人の意見です | riaru ni buttobasu ※kojin no ikendesu |
叶わない理想じゃない お前のアンテナ錆びてんだよ | kanawanai risou janai omae no antena sabite nda yo |
もういいぜ | mou ii ze |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
未来を見てる君と歩くために | mirai o mi teru kimi to aruku tame ni |
アテンションプリーズ | atenshonpuriizu |
エマージェンシーサインさえ無関心 | emaajenshiisain sae mukanshin |
めらりと導火線に火が付いた | me-rari to douka-sen ni hi ga tsuita |
この関係終わりにしましょう バイバイ | kono kankei owari ni shimashou baibai |
着火! | chakka! |
君をとりまく不幸を 幾星霜の試練を | kimi o torimaku fukou o ikuseisou no shiren o |
薄っぺらい冷笑を はっ倒すディストーション | usupperai reishou o hattaosu disutoushon |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす(ドッカーン) | riaru ni buttobasu (dokkaan) |
リアルにぶっとばす 行こう新天地へ | Riaru ni buttobasu yukou shintenchi e |
世界 対 自分じゃない 自分 対 自分の | sekai tai jibun janai jibun tai jibun no |
歴史に残らない 小規模な戦争だよ | rekishi ni nokoranai shoukibona sensouda yo |
今までありがとう もう二度と会えなくても いいぜ | ima made arigatou mou nidoto aenakute mo ii ze |
本当の自分を取り戻すために | hontou no jibun o torimodosu tame ni |
今日で さよなら自己愛のデーモン | kyou de sayonara jiko ai no deemon |
English Translation |
I'll literally kick your ass |
Don't come any closer to me |
I've identified you as an enemy, just get away from me |
But I used to like you back then |
So long, narcissistic demon |
I want to fire shells all I want |
I'll tell you what, you pain in the ass |
This ain't no game, this ain't fake |
Yeah, I'll literally kick your ass |
It's a mismatch coordination of pretense |
With a rocket launcher of love and hate |
Gradually getting lonely |
Farther away from me |
The misfortune that surrounds you, the many years of trials and tribulations |
The superficial cynicism, knocked down by distortion |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass *This is just for illustrative purposes |
It's not the world versus me, it's a war between me versus me |
Life's harsh... |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
To keep you breathing and alive |
Kindness stemming from self-interest is off limits |
Idle gossip is exclusively for idiots |
My feelings for you are so cold my breath is turning white |
I decided to take off under the wintry sky |
I want to fire shells all I want |
I'll tell you what, you pain in the ass |
This ain't no game, this ain't fake |
Yeah, I'll literally kick your ass |
A pacemaker that destroys the atmosphere |
Always trying to one-up someone |
As a matter of fact, I don't care |
Just leave me alone |
Your entrenched thoughts, your careless mistakes without apology |
Your disguise without a response, uncovered by deception |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass *This is just a personal opinion |
It ain't no unattainable ideal, your antenna is rusted |
That's enough |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
To walk together with you who looks to the future |
Attention please |
You're even indifferent to the emergency sign |
The fuse has been ignited |
Let's get this relationship over with, Goodbye |
The misfortune that surrounds you, the many years of trials and tribulations |
The superficial cynicism, knocked down by distortion |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass (KABOOM) |
I'll literally kick your ass, let's go off to the new world |
It's not the world versus me, it's a small-scale war between me versus me |
that won't go down in history |
Thank you for everything, it's okay if I never see you again |
To get back to who I really am |
So long, narcissistic demon |