NND Compass Wiki
Below is a list of terms used in Japanese relating to things that exist in #COMPASS. These are not official, they are just terms used by the community to describe aspects of the game.


Japanese English Meaning
煽り Instigate Sending provocative chats to your allies or enemies in an attempt to show your displeasure. Don't do this.
握手会/ハンド Handshake Meeting/Hand Ouka Tadaomi's Hero Skill.
アタッカー Attacker Heroes that use melee weapons and deal high damage.
足パピコ Foot Papico Chun-Li (Her feet look like upside down Papico)
アビ Abi Abbreviation of Ability.
アピール/アピ Appeal/Api The 'taunt' action that can be preformed by swiping down on the Hero Skill circle. It can be seen as a friendly gesture (except appeal by Nekomiya Hinata, her appeal is to swap her weapons) but be careful of the timing, as it leaves you vulnerable.
アピカス ApiCus Custom Battle rooms where players play around with appeals, season reward cards, chat messages, or using Hero Skills/Actions and cards to nowhere. Abbreviation of 'Appeal Custom'.
芋る Potato Pronounced 'Imoru', similar to 'Immortal'. It means someone who stays out of the fight and does not contribute. Term originates from FPS games.
裏取り Back-Dooring Taking the keys of the enemy whilst they are focused on something else. Often by going behind the enemy lines with 'A Door That Can Go Anywhere' or with a sprinter.
餌撒き Bait Using Jeanne's Hero Skill with poor timing.
Demon A name for the mark that appears when an enemy has a much higher deck level than you.
逢瀬 Tryst Luciano's Hero Skill
鬼いさま/鬼い様 Demon Brother Adam Yuriev's Cho Kabuki collaboration costume, or the card that features it, 【Cho Kabuki】Adam Yuriev.
オルタ Alter Saber Alter
覚醒した破壊神 Awakened God of Destruction A player who gets more than 20 kills without dying in one game.
カスタム Custom Custom Battle
歌舞伎 Kabuki Satō Shirōbyōe Tadanobu
刀を持った緑色の服の人 A Man Who Has a Katana And Wears Green Clothes Ouka Tadaomi. This was used by NHN in Adam Yuriev's patch notes.
ガドブレ Guard Break Attacks that break guards. See Break for more information. Sometimes refered to as Parin (パリン), a breaking SFX.
牙突 Gatotsu Ouka Tadaomi's Hero Action. Seems to be in reference to Saito from Rurouni Kenshin. Can also relate to any hero with an 'Offensive Charge' HA.
壁抜き Wall Ignore Related to how Far Cards can pierce stage obstacles.
ガンナー Gunner Heroes that fight with ranged weapons.
キャリー Carry High ranking players helping low ranking players, boosting them into higher ranks.
強制スタン Forced Stun A stun effect caused by certain heroes' Hero Skills. This ignores Guard cards.
吸収 Absorption Cards that steal Hero Skill charge or health. See Deprive for more information.
キル泥 Kill Mud An abbreviation of 'キル泥棒' or 'Kill Steal'. Taking someone else's kill credit.
CT(クールタイム) Cooldown/Cool time The number of seconds it takes for a card to become available again after use.
グス臣 Gusomi A ship name for Gustav Heydrich and Ouka Tadaomi.
グラ Gra Abbreviation for 'Graphics'. See Settings Menu for more details.
クワガタ Stag Beetle A name for the mark that appears when an enemy has a much higher deck level than you.
けつ Butt Violetta Noire
高画質イケメン High Quality Handsome Man Noctis
ゴキブリ Cockroach Players that use speed buff cards. Often referred to as 'Goki + Hero Name'
国歌 National Anthem Dance Robot Dance
固定 Fixed When a group is comprised of three friends/guild members instead of random players.
壊れ Broken A build that is powerful enough that it breaks the game's balance.
コミュリ Commule Abbreviation for Community Leader. Someone who has posted 800 posts in one day.
ゴリカ Gorika A really powerful Ririka. Often with stacked attack buffs due to her Hero Skill.
#compass08 #compass08 A hashtag that was used by official Twitter to tease Reiya in October 2019.
サイレント Silent Cards/Abilities that prevent you from using your cards and Hero Skill. See Silence for more information.
さっちん Sacchin 13 (Thirteen)
桜ルチ Ouluci A ship name for Ouka Tadaomi and Luciano.
サッカーボール Soccer Ball A name for Justice Hancock's Hero Ability, because it looks similar to a soccer ball.
借金 Debt BitMoney that is taken back due to maldistribution. Can leave you with negative currency.
獅童 Shidō Nakamura Shidō, a kabuki actor for Satō Shirōbyōe Tadanobu.
ジャンひめ(秘めジャン) Junk Hidden (Hidden Junk) A name for the combination of cards 'Junkyard Dog' and 'Hidden Power Awakening'. Both cards increase attack power for 12 seconds. Since game update at 25 June 2018, this combination is no longer able to use.
招待コード Invitation Code The code that allows people to search for and follow you.
食パンスペシャル Bread Special A quick win strategy that can be done with a team of Venus Pororotcho, a Sprinter, any hero with A Door That Can Go Anywhere equipped, 【Sky Running Diva】Hatsune Miku, Rebel Forces Cracking Case-171, any Flash card and 3 -Blue Palace- Ice Crown Queen Idea =N= Yilanburgs. This can finish the match within 14 seconds but only works in certain stages such as A Landscape of Multi-Level Crossings and Beautiful Island Resort.
ショタフ Shotav Gustav Heydrich when he was a kid who appears in Grave music video.
GV/バイパー GV/Viper Sol Badguy's Hero Action. The real name is Grand Viper.
スタン Stun Cards/Abilities that cause the inability to move/attack. See Stun for more information
スプリンター Sprinter Heroes that have fast movement speed at the cost of lower health.
スナイプ Snipe The situation in which a gunner is attacking from an elevated platform, out of reach from the heroes that use melee attacks.
白ゴキ White Cockroach Voidoll
スイッチ Switch Switching areas with allied teammates. Commonly seen on the Imperial Capital arena.
前線 Frontline Where the fighting takes place.
セェン Seenn The sound Ouka Tadaomi makes when his Action is activated. Seenn.
戦犯 War Criminal A person who lets down the team. It is important to not get angry at these players, nobody is perfect.
総帥 Leader Ouka Tadaomi
属性 Attribute See Attributes for more information.
それ得? Get it? A phrase used on the Timeline. Used as a return for a suggestion.
タイマン 1v1 A situation where two players fight each other alone. Often happens around Key C at the start of a game, or the Imperial Capital's A/E side.
TL(タイムライン) Timeline The place on the Home menu where you can communicate to other players.
田植え Planting Rice Using Trap cards. The action of placing one down looks similar to planting rice.
タゲ Tage Abbreviation of 'target'. Used to pinpoint a particular enemy that should be focused on.
タスキル Task Kill Forcibly closing the application or pressing home/power button on your phone/tablet in order to forfeit a match. Don't do this unless you got important mail, text or something other important.
ダメカ Damacu Abbreviation for Damage Cut. Used to describe Guard cards.
タンク Tank Heroes that have large amounts of health and good defense.
ダンロボ DanRobo Dance Robot Dance
地動説 Copernican theory A deck for Fukagawa Matoi that consists of "【Garyo Tensei】 Baiken", "Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer", 100% Guard, and UR heal.
積み(搭載) Mounting Adopting a deck.
注目のプレイヤー Featured Player A player who has won 15 or more matches consecutively.
妻/ツマァ Wife Luciano's wife, or card that features her, Divine Protection of a Dead Wife on His Back.
DA Dash Attack An attack which Sprinters perform when they stop running while enemy is in their attacking range.
ディバ全 DivaZen/DivaWhole A combination of the cards 'Orchestra Princess Diva' and 'Whole Sky Capital Barrier Hum-SphereLLIK'
D止め D Stop A way to stop ranking up at D rank. Used to gain UR's whilst the card pool is limited to E ranked cards.
デズ Dizz Dizzy
デッキレベル Deck Level The total level of the four cards in a deck. If all four cards are level 20, the deck level is 80.
デバフ Debuff Negative status effects. See Weaken for more information.
テヤァ Teyah The sound Justice Hancock makes when his Hero Action is activated. Teyah.
天然ブラチ Natural BlaChi Black Chip obtained from winning in Ranked Arena during the first 4 days of a Ranking Season.
同盟 Union Referring to the relationship between Gustav Heydrich and Ouka Tadaomi.
通り魔 Phantom Killer Reiya
Poison An effect that slowly takes away the enemies health. See Poison for more information. Can also refer to Gustav's Hero Ability.
Convex Limit Breaking cards. This allows cards to be leveled up past their original max level. 1凸, 2凸 and so on. Shown as a +(number) on the top left of the card.
徒歩○○ Walking ___ Characters that move by foot during the opening stage of a match. Inconvenient for tanks, as they are slow and are expected to use 'A Door That Can Go Anywhere' to reach C quickly and defend.
ドライン Dra-in Abbreviation of Sol Badguy's Hero Skill, Dragon Install.
Seedling Using Trap cards. The action of placing one down looks similar to planting seeds.
ナタデココ Nata De Coco White cubes that heroes scatter when they die.
難民 Refugee A player that can not obtain a card or hero that is considered to be excellent.
肉団子 Meat Dumpling Justice Hancock's Hero Action.
ニート NEET Marcos'55
ニズヘ Nidho HM-WA100 Nidhogg
2点攻め Attacking 2 Points Capturing 2 enemy's Portal Keys at the same time.
のほまと NohoMato A ship name for Soubiki Noho and Fukagawa Matoi.
野良 Stray A team comprised of random players. Known in the west as a 'pug' or 'pick up group'
バクショ Back Shot Luciano/Gunner Mode 13's Hero Action. Abbreviation of 'Back Step Shot'.
発動時間 Activation Time The time it takes to activate a card. Ranges from 'none' to 'long'. Long cards can be combined with short ones to erase the activation time.
バトアリ Battle Arena The game mode where you can gain and lose ranking points. This is the arena used in order to rank for events.
バフ Buff Cards/Abilities that strengthen your stats. See Strength for more information.
林(林P) HayashiP #COMPASS' Producer. Everyone loves him.
HS Hero Skill Synonymous with 'ultimate ability'. The skill that each hero has that must be charged up by standing in a controlled key area.
HA Hero Action The ability that is activated by holding down on the movement area.
フリバ Free Battle The game mode with no ranking included.
イベアリ Event Arena Free Battle. Formerly it was named Event Arena. The name came back 3 years after renaming in March 2020 to tease Pierre the Ikassa-Maniaghi Facchinetti Lallala Lovelyaura Dragonactor Hideyoshi Maximilian Caloverie Björlund Mocchi-Mochi Marioge Margherita Wilfred Punit Puniatowski the 77th.
フルカノ FluKano A combination of the cards 'Aircraft Fleet Flug ・ Zeug' and 'Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer'
ベスプレ BesPlay Abbreviation for Best Player or MVP. The person at the end of a game with the highest score.
PS Player Skill The skill level of the players themselves.
1陣目 1st Portal Portal Key A or E on your team's side.
2陣目 2nd Portal Portal Key B or D on your team's side.
敵1陣 Enemies' 1st Portal Portal Key A or E on enemy team's side.
敵2陣 Enemies' 2nd Portal Portal Key B or D on enemy team's side.
魔剤 Monster Energy The famous energy drink, or in #COMPASS, Ouka Tadaomi or Reiya
魔法のカード Magical Card Credit card, iTunes Card, or Google Play Gift Card.
Mi Shorthand for Missions (ミッション). This is posted on timeline in order to clear 'post to timeline' mission quickly.
マルリリ Maruriri A ship name for Marcos'55 and Ririka.
無限勇者 Infinite Hero A situation in which the loading minigame Heroic Dash and Double Jump never ends, allowing endless play.
モンサ Monci Abbreviation of 'Monster Circus', Juumonji Atari's Hero Skill.
養殖ブラチ Cultured BlaChi Black Chip obtained from Ranking Season missions.
ランク下げ Rank Lowering Deliberately ranking down by losing intentionally. Used to reduce the amount of 'Demon' players but no longer works when Ranking Seasons isn't running.
リジェネ(持続) Regen (Sustained) Cards that give constant health regen over a period of time. See Continuous for more information.
リス地 Spawn Place The spawn platform. As you are invincible when standing on it, it is better to stay there when the enemy team is using their Hero Skills.
リスキル Spawnkill Killing an enemy as soon as they jump off the spawn platform.
リムる/リムバ Remove Unfollowing a player.
リリバフ Riri Buff Attack and defense stats increase effect of Ririka's Hero Skill.
リンバフ Rin Buff Attack and defense stats increase effect of Kagamine Rin's Hero Skill or Hero Action.
零零 Reirei A ship name for 2 Reiyas from different world lines.
60時間メンテ 60 Hours Maintenance Server maintenance at September 12th 2019. This is the longest maintenance in this game ever. See Soubiki Noho Ranking Season 2#Notes and Trivia for more information.
ロボ子 Robo Child Voidoll
わんタフ Wantav Gustav Heydrich's Werewolf costume. 'Wan' means with 'woof' in Japanese.
枠埋め Full Frame Having the Data Chip window be full of chips. Easier to be achieved with a 'fixed group'.
ンハァ Nhaa The sound Luciano makes when his Action is activated. Nhaa.


Japanese English Meaning
散歩道/ケルパ Walking Path/Kelper's Bewitching Flower's Imperial Capital Kelper's Walking Path
広場/たかさん Square/Taka-San East West Taka's Square
ライブステ/ライステ Live Stage/Lista Live Stage of Light and Dark
グレウォ Grewa Great Wall
ちゅら島 Beautiful Island Beautiful Island Resort
つっぺる  Falling Tehh~! Falling Construction Site
でらクラ Deracra Super Crank Street
けっこい Pretty Pretty Star Park
立体交差 Multi-Level Crossing A Landscape of Multi-Level Crossings
太鼓 Taiko Taiko Festival-da-don!
ストヘス/ストレス区 Stohess/Stress District 【Stohess District】Assault Combat Zone


Japanese English Meaning
液体金属 Liquid Metal Liquid Metal Robo Metadoll-774
ジャンク Junk Junkyard Dog
シュタルク Stark Death Administration Stark・Tote
ミーティア Meteor Dream ☆ Meteor
エレド Eledo Electric Shock Robo Eledoll-115
GB GB Game Bazooka
ひめたる Himetaru/Hidden Hidden Power Awakening
赤ガブ Red Gab 【Re:Zero】Starting Life in Another World (Red Verison of Governor of Souls Holy Angel Gabriel)
赤オレンジ Red All Range 【Re:Zero】Uninterrupted Unity (Red Version of All Range Attack)
赤カノーネ Red Kanone 【Explosion Arch-Wizard】 Megumin (Red Version of Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer)
赤ユニド Red Unido 【STEINS;GATE】 Rest in The Twilight (Red Version of Galactic Defense Robo Unidoll-2525)
赤イナシュー Red Inashoo 【One Shot One Kill】 Nekomiya Hinata (Red Version of Prestigious Soccer Club Inazuma Shoot)
赤ミリア Red Millia 【Attack on Titan】Colossal Titan Attacks (Red Version of 【Iron Maiden】Millia)
青アンジュ Blue Ange 【The Best High!!! Energy Drink】 Nekomiya Hinata (Blue Version of God Engineer Ange・Soleil)
青全天 Blue Whole Sky 【Fate/stay night[HF]】lost butterfly (Blue Version of Whole Sky Capital Barrier Hum-SphereLLIK)
青ノガド Blue NoGuard 【Crazy Oath】Zack & Ray (Blue Version of Ultimate System No Guard Tactics)
青花火 Blue Fireworks 【After-bath Relaxation】Aqua & Megumin (Blue Version of Main Event of the Festival! Firework Launch)
青ぶれどら Blue BlaDra 【STEINS;GATE】Operation Skuld (Blue Version of Raging Sky King Blaze Dragon)
青みみみ Blue Mimimi 【Attack on Titan】Girls Stretch (Blue Version of High Colour Ally Ninja -Mibuzaki Mimimi-)
アバカン Abakan Scientist of Thunder Abakan
アレク Alex Eldest Daughter of Forgetful Love Alexandra
アンジュ Ange God Engineer Ange・Soleil
イナシュー Inashoo Prestigious Soccer Club Inazuma Shoot
イデア Idea -Blue Palace- Ice Crown Queen Idea =N= Yilanburg
エボリリ EvoRiri Goddess of Fate Evolution ☆ Ririka
オレンジ Orange/All Range All Range Attack
ガブ Gab Governor of Souls Holy Angel Gabriel
カノーネ Kanone Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer
間断 Uninterrupted 【Re:Zero】Uninterrupted Unity
がせんこつ Gasenkotsu 【Self-Coveting Admiration】Jam
ガルピコ GaruPico Garugaru's Sparkling Decor Tank
ギアメ GearMa Gear Maker
号令 Command 【Commanding Diva】 Hatsune Miku
サテキャ SateCan Space Army Alliance Satellite Cannon
ジャム/じゃむ Jam 【Self-Coveting Admiration】Jam
シルブレ ShieldBre Space Army Alliance Shield Breaker
周囲カノーネ Area Kanone 【Ultimate Lucky Student】Komaeda Nagito or -Blue Palace- Deadly Prohibited Beast Granat (Area version of Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer)
全員集合 All Members All Members Together! Magical Girl Ririka ☆ Ruruka
全天 Zenten/Whole Sky Whole Sky Capital Barrier Hum-SphereLLIK
そらかけ Sky Run 【Sky Running Diva】Hatsune Miku
多脚 Multi-Legged Space Army Alliance Assault Suppression-Type Armored Multi-Legged Tank
跳躍 Leap 【STEINS;GATE】Collaborator of Time Leaping
ツォイク Tsuik/Zeug Aircraft Fleet Flug ・ Zeug
テレパス Telepass Interstellar Transfer Device Tele-Pass
ディーバ Diva Orchestra Princess Diva
ドア Door A Door That Can Go Anywhere
ドラ花 DraFire Special Attraction of the Festival! Dragon Firework
ドラバナ DraBana Special Attraction of the Festival! Dragon Firework
ノガ Noga Ultimate System No Guard Tactics
ノガド NoGuard Ultimate System No Guard Tactics
Flag Flag of the Revolution
花火 Firework Main Event of the Festival! Firework Launch
武術家 Martial Artist Martial Artist's Super Fast Acceleration
フルーク Flug Aircraft Fleet Flug ・ Zeug
フルーツ Fruit/Fluze Aircraft Fleet Flug ・ Zeug
ぶれどら BlaDra Raging Sky King Blaze Dragon
ポタ回 PortaRecover -Blue Palace- Hymn Regiment Melodiya or 【Dreamy Collaboration】Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin/Len
マジスク MagiSqu Dream ☆ Magical Square
緑イデア Green Idea 【Ultimate Hope】Naegi Makoto (Green Version of -Blue Palace- Ice Crown Queen Idea =N= Yilanburg)
緑カノーネ Green Kanone 【Re:Zero】A Disease Known as Despair (Green Version of Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer)
みどかの Green Kano 【Re:Zero】A Disease Known as Despair (Green Version of Anti Cannon Kanone ・ Feuer)
緑号令 Green Command Beauty's Brilliance Pollá & Archikó & Ápeiron (Green Version of 【Commanding Diva】 Hatsune Miku)
緑ディーバ Green Diva 【Useless Goddess's】 Aqua & Megumin & Darkness (Green Version of Orchestra Princess Diva)
緑メカ反 Green MechaRebel Rival Assassin Ninja -Yuyuin Yurara- (Green Version of A Certain Household Robot's Rebellion)
緑フルーク Green Flug 【A Flash of Pleasure】Isaac (Green Version of Aircraft Fleet Flug ・ Zeug)
緑ベガ Green Vega 【Senbonzakura】Hatsune Miku (Green Version of 【Final Evil】Vega)
緑リリィ Green Lily 【BEATLESS】 Lacia and Arato Endou (Green Version of Guardian of the Saint Black Cat Lily)
メカ反/めかはん MechaRebel A Certain Household Robot's Rebellion
桃鍋 MomoNabe/Peach Pot 【Overlord】Hero Momon and Beautiful Nabe
Blade 【Attack on Titan】Small Blades
ユニド Unido Galactic Defense Robo Unidoll-2525
URひめたる UR Hidden 【FFXV】Towards a Bright Future (UR card that has similar effect to Hidden Power Awakening)
URレオン UR Leon 【Affection's Poverty Litch】Wiz (UR Version of Rear Guard of the Saint Musketeer Leon)
リゼロガブ Re:Zero Gab 【Re:Zero】Starting Life in Another World (Re:Zero Version of Governor of Souls Holy Angel Gabriel)
ロンレン LonRan Annihilation Long Range Rifle Hum-Buster