NND Compass Wiki
Theme Of
Cu Sith
Song Title
Romaji: Dimenshon
English: Dimension
Yunosuke (music)
Gyuniku (lyrics)
hachisan (illustration)
yotabaito (video)
osamu (tuning)
Hatsune Miku
Release Date
November 09, 2023
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji
枯れ葉が崩れ落ちても kareha ga kuzureochite mo
握り締めて拾い上げた nigirishimete hiroiageta
是が非でも手にする ze ga hi demo te ni suru

愛しさを正常と itoshisa o seijou to
許した命の望む通りなら yurushita inochi no nozomudoori nara
夜の底に目覚めて狂う yoru no soko ni mezamete kuruu

プログラム匂い微か puroguramu nioi kasuka
コード内の情を食んで koodonai no jou o hande

木漏れ日に憂うネジを komorebi ni ureu neji o
害のない世界で止めて gai no nai sekai de tomete

最後まで重いままの saigo made omoi mama no
タイル上の解を蹴って tairujou no kai o kette

怯えずに向かう約束 obiezu ni mukau yakusoku

騒ぎ立つ空に映る鴉羽も sawagi tatsu sora ni utsuru karasuba mo
与り知らぬ心の濁流が azukari shiranu kokoro no dakuryuu ga
呑み込むだろう nomikomu darou

そして荒れ狂う獣らしく溺れたら soshite arekuruu kemonorashiku oboretara
一つの息を二つに重ね今 hitotsu no iki o futatsu ni kasane ima
貴方と夢を見る anata to yume o miru

ただ安らぎを探して tada yasuragi o sagashite
深い場所の鍵を開けた fukai basho no kagi o aketa
無理矢理になろうと muriyari ni narou to

照準を合わせても shoujun o awasete mo
暈けるピントで何を見たいのか boyakeru pinto de nani o mitai no ka
痛みさえも信じて狂う itami sae mo shinjite kuruu

無機質な細い管を mukishitsu na hosoi kan o
巻いた顔で貝になって maita kao de kai ni natte

寂しいなって本懐も sabishii natte honkai mo
心理外に追い散らして shinrigai ni oichirashite

点火する多幸感へ tenka suru takoukan e
悔いる前に杭を打って kuiru mae ni kui o butte

止まらずに向かう約束 tomarazu ni mukau yakusoku

非合理を貫くほど溢れ出す higouri o tsuranuku hodo afuredasu
想いも意志で敬虔の誓いも omoi mo ishi de keiken no chikai mo
純正だから junsei dakara

昇る太陽に手を伸ばして焼けようが noboru taiyou ni te o nobashite yakeyou ga
壊れるまでは妄想だとしても kowareru made wa mousou da to shite mo
足掻いて足掻いて agaite agaite

寄り縋る果てに生きた憧憬は yorisugaru hate ni ikita shoukei wa
明け方に差すカーテンの零した akegata ni sasu kaaten no koboshita
温もりだろう nukumori darou

そして荒れ狂う獣らしく溺れたら soshite arekuruu kemonorashiku oboretara
如何に苦しき遠吠えになろうと ikaga ni kurushiki tooboe ni narou to
貴方と夢を見る anata to yume o miru

English Translation
Even if the withered leaves crumble and fall,
I grasped and picked them up.
I must obtain this, no matter what.

If love is considered normal,
As desired by the forgiving life,
I awaken in the depths of the night and go mad.

A faint scent of the program,
Devouring the emotions within the code.

In the dappled sunlight, I stop the rusted screw
In a world without harm.

Until the end, with the weight still heavy,
I kick the solution on the tile floor.

Without fear, I face the promise.

The crow’s feathers reflected in the noisy sky,
The unknown undercurrent of the heart
Will probably swallow it up.

And if I, like a raging beast, drown,
Now, I overlap one breath with another,
Dreaming with you.

Just searching for peace,
I unlocked the key in the deep place.
Even if it becomes forced.

Even if I aim the sight,
What do I want to see with the blurred focus?
Even the pain is believed and drives me mad.

With a face wound around a lifeless thin tube,
I become a shell, coiling around.

Loneliness and true feelings
Chase away the innermost desires.

Towards the ignition of happiness,
Before regret, I drive in the stake.

Without stopping, I face the promise.

Overflowing to the point of upholding the irrational,
Feelings and the vow of devout will,
Because they are genuine.

Even if I reach out to the rising sun and get burned,
Even if it’s just a fantasy until it breaks,
Struggle and struggle.

The yearning for life clinging to the end
Will probably be the warmth
Spilled by the curtain at dawn.

And if I, like a raging beast, drown,
No matter how painful the distant howl becomes,
I dream with you.
English Translation done and authorized by Miraikyun
