NND Compass Wiki

Data Chips are an item in #COMPASS that are rewarded for winning battles and completing certain missions. These chips have a timer attached to them upon collection and once this timer is complete, the chip will open and give you a random card, Account Experience and some Card Energy. Alternatively, the timer can be sped up by using BM. The time and cost is as follows:

Chip Analysis Time BM Cost
Bronze / 4GB 30 Minutes 9
Silver / 16GB 2 Hours 36
Gold / 32GB 6 Hours 84
Platinum / 64GB 12 Hours 156
Black / 128GB 18 Hours 228
Season / SP 30 Mins 9
Energy / E 2 Hours 36

Note: The BM cost to speed up analysis lowers as the timer progresses.

At one time, normal players can hold 3 Data Chips, and players with a Prime Membership can hold 6. If the slots which hold these chips is full, players will be alerted when they try and open Ranked Arena and will be stopped from entering Free Battle entirely.

Card Rates[]

The higher rarity the chip, the higher chance it has to contain rarer cards. Below is a table of chip types and card rates.


◎ - Common

○ - Uncommon

△ - Very Rare

Chip N R SR UR
- -
- - 30%

Season Chips[]

As a reward for ranking in Ranking Seasons, players can be rewarded with 'Season Chips' which have a chance to give the player the Season Card or any of the cards related to the character the season is themed after. These were introduced with the Jeanne d'Arc Ranking Season and are rewarded to players above rank placement 90,000.
