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Some of the lines included are spoken by Anemone. These are bolded.

Activation Japanese English Audio
Acquiring Character 初めまして、僕はコラプス。君達の敵だ Nice to meet you, I’m Collapse. Your enemy.
人類は進化しなければならない。迅速かつ、劇的にね Humanity must evolve swiftly and dramatically.
敵を出迎えるなんてね。狙いがあるのか、愚かなだけか…… Greeting the enemy, huh? Do you have an agenda, or are you just foolish...?
Start Up / Return 勘違いしないで。君を待っていたわけじゃないよ Don’t get the wrong idea. I wasn’t waiting for you.
遅い。未熟な種族とはいえ、時間くらいは守ろうよ You’re late. Even for an immature species, you could at least be punctual.
行こうか。絶え間ない戦いこそが、人を進化させるんだ Shall we proceed? Unending battles are what drive human evolution.
After Choosing Hero 故郷の復元の為…… For the restoration of my homeland...
これは必要な戦いなんだ This is a necessary battle.
役に立たなかったら、潰すからね? If you’re useless, I’ll crush you, understand?
Unclaimed Presents 通信があったよ、遠方宇宙からの交信かもね There was a communication, perhaps a signal from distant space.
情報共有があった。人類の進歩に役立つものだといいけど There’s been an information exchange. Let’s hope it benefits humanity’s progress.
メッセージが来てる。さっさと確認しなよ A message has arrived. Go ahead and check it.
Mission Achieved 課題達成。へぇ、見かけによらずまともな人間なんだね Task complete. Huh, you’re more a competent human than you look.
人類に課題は多い。一つ終えたくらいで、満足しないでよ Humanity has many challenges to overcome. Don’t get complacent after completing just one.
簡単だって?……すぐ調子に乗るね、君 Easy, you say? …You get cocky so quickly, don’t you?
New Highlights 騒がしいね。束の間の平穏を過ごすといいよ It’s noisy. Take this moment of peace while you can.
イベント?人類に遊んでいる暇なんて、無いと思うけど? An event? I don’t think humanity has time to waste playing around.
お祭りか……平和だった頃を思い出す A festival, huh... It reminds me of more peaceful times.
Gacha (Pulling) ふざけた空間だね……時間も重力も滅茶苦茶じゃないか What a ridiculous space… even time and gravity are a mess here.
Gacha 試してみようか Shall we test it out?
効果検証が必要だね We’ll need to verify its effects.
新兵器か A new weapon?
あ、君が持ってて Oh, you hold it.
この光……白色矮星に似ている This light... it resembles a white dwarf star.
Account Level Up この水準はクリアか。なら次だね Cleared this level, huh? Then, onto the next.
ここは通過点に過ぎない。人類には更なる変化を期待しているんだ This is just a checkpoint. I’m expecting even greater changes from humanity.
そう、だいぶかかったみたいだね Yes, looks like that took quite some time.
Rank Up やはり争いこそが人を劇的に進化させる因子か As I thought, conflict is indeed a dramatic catalyst for human evolution.
少しは成長した?それこそ僕が人類に期待している変化だよ Have you grown a little? That’s precisely the kind of change I expect from humanity.
また一つ学んだね。さて、人の進化に必要なのはあと千か万か億か…… Another thing learned. Now, how much more is needed for humanity’s evolution—thousands, millions, billions...?
Rank Down あの日のことを思い出すな…… This reminds me of that day...
期待を裏切られるのには慣れているよ I’m used to being disappointed.
生にしがみつけ。命を全うするんだ Cling to life. Live it to its fullest.
Modifying Medals 施す暇があったら、自分を磨いたらどうかな If you have time to seek aid, perhaps you should focus on improving yourself.
へぇ、君も一緒に人類の敵になる? Huh, are you interested in joining me as an enemy of humanity?
別に頼んでないんだけど Not that I asked or anything.
Tap Reaction なっ!!
Never touch my head again!
Got it!?

Hm, going outside?
Hehe, sorry for always making things so cramped, Anemone-san…
I’ll definitely restore things for you someday.

Humans grow unnecessarily large, don’t they?
don’t look down on me...

Don’t stare at me like that.
It’s unsettling...
Oh, I seem to have taken too much damage in the previous battle.
Does it hurt, you ask?
Instead of worrying about your enemy,
why don’t you focus on yourselves?

僕は世界の敵だ。人類の発展と進化を願う、唯一にして絶対の敵だ I am the enemy of the world. The sole, absolute enemy who wishes for humanity’s development and evolution.
Team Introduction これは人類発展への一歩だ This is a step toward humanity’s progress.
僕は君たち人類の敵だ Humanity, I am your enemy.
少し、間引こうか Shall I cull a few?
Capturing a Key 制圧する……さあ、取り返しに来い I will subjugate you... now, come and take it back.
領土の主張……これも人類の性だね Claiming territory... that’s just human nature, isn’t it?
行こう、アネモネさん アネモ~! Let’s go, Anemone-san. (Anemo~!)
Hero Action (Charge) いくよ。アネモネさん Here I come. Anemone-san!
Hero Action (Attack) 僕を恐れろ Fear me.
闇に呑まれろ! Be swallowed by darkness!
君に避けられる? Can you dodge this?
空間ごと圧縮する I’ll compress the very space.
万物は引かれあう All things are drawn together.
さあ、逃げないと Now, run if you can!
Hero Gauge Max 少し難易度を上げようか Shall I raise the difficulty a little?
Hero Skill (Using) これ以上続けても、得るものは無さそうだ… There seems to be nothing more to gain from continuing this...
選択しろ。ここで消えるか、戦うか… Choose: vanish here or fight...
光も闇も、全て等しく飲み干そう…! Light and darkness alike, I will consume all equally...!
程度はわかったよ、想定より未熟だったな I understand your level now. You’re more immature than I expected.
アネモネさん、終わらせてしまおうか! ア~ネモ~ネ~! Anemone-san, shall we end this? (A~nemone~!)
Hero Skill (After use) 行け。 Go.
滅べ。 Perish.
潰れろ。 Be crushed.
潰れて砕けろ。 Be crushed and destroyed.
これが重力の力だよ This is the power of gravity.
より重く、より強く…! Heavier, stronger...!
Taunt 進化の(ともしび)を、決して絶やすな Never let the flame (candle) of evolution die out.
Jumping ふっ Huh-
Landing Toh.
Regular Attack っふ Fuh.
ほっ Hoh!
ほら Here!
ていっ Tei!
それっ There!
やあっ Yah!
痛いよ? Does it hurt?
せいっ Sei!
Attack (5th hit) 無様だね How pathetic.
滅んでしまえ Be destroyed.
Attack Card (Near) お願い、アネモネさん。
Please, Anemone-san.
Learn from your pain.

行くよ アネモ~ネ! Let’s go! (Anemo~ne!)
Attack Card (Far) 光だろうと逃しはしない I won’t let even the light escape.
立ち止まることは許さないよ I won’t allow you to stop.
Attack Card (Rapid) 出番だよ、アネモネさん アネモ~! It’s your turn, Anemone-san. (Anemo~!)
アネモネさん、少し力を貸して Anemone-san, lend me a little of your strength.
Attack Card (Area) 星に願うな、自らで勝ち取るんだ Don’t wish upon a star; win it for yourself.
この程度で絶滅しないでよね Don’t go extinct over something like this.
Movement Card (Door, recovery, starting point) 高速航行と似た感覚だ It feels similar to high-speed navigation.
距離の短縮か、進歩したね Shortening the distance... that’s progress.
Movement Card (Telepass) 振り返れ、過去から学ぶんだ Look back and learn from the past.
敵から目を逸らさないで Don’t take your eyes off the enemy.
Defense Card 拒絶する I reject this.
僕には届かないよ You cannot reach me.
Buff/Heal Card 続けよう人が何かを学ぶまで。 Let’s continue until humanity learns something.
これぐらいは想定済みだよね You must have expected at least this much, right?
戦うか、消えるかだよ Fight or vanish.
Trap Card ここから崩壊を始めよう Shall we begin the collapse from here?
このあたりで良いかな? アネアネ? Will this spot suffice? (Ane-ane?)
Taking Damage へぇ Heh?
やるね Not bad.
んっ Nh.
邪魔だ It's a nuisance.
やるね……野蛮だけど Well done... though savage.
良い出力だね Good output.
Taking Damage (When down) これは……! This is...!
Buff 遠方からの即時支援か Immediate support from afar?
君、集団戦が上手いんだね You’re good at group battles, aren’t you?
過保護過ぎるよ You’re being too overprotective.
Healing これは……再生技術か Is this... regenerative technology?
修復技術も進歩しているね Repair technology has advanced too.
別に要らなかったんだけど Not that I needed it or anything.
Debuff まさか崩壊の予兆? Could this be a sign of collapse?
君達臆病だね、悪くない You’re cowardly, but it’s not bad.
少しは頭を使ったんだね You actually used your head a little, didn’t you?
Debuff (Stunned) 効果的な方法だね…… An effective method...
Killing an Enemy 歩みを止めるな Don’t stop moving forward.
進化に犠牲はつきものだよ Sacrifices are necessary for evolution.
遊びじゃないんだけど This isn’t a game, you know.
何度でも倒してみなよ Try defeating me as many times as you want.
君、まだその水準なんだね You’re still at that level, huh?
弱いなあ… So weak...
Death おっと…評価を改めておこう Oh... I’ll reassess you a bit.
その攻撃は想定外だ… That attack was unexpected...
進む意思はあるみたいだね It seems you do have the will to move forward.
Respawn 戦いなんか…痛みくらい覚悟しているよ In battle...you have to be prepared for pain.
もっと見せて、人類の成長と進化を…! Show me more, humanity’s growth and evolution...!
僕らにとっては嬉しい誤算だね アネモネ~! This is a pleasant surprise for us. (Anemone~!)
Best Player 何度でも繰り返そう、人が境界を脱する、その時まで Let’s repeat this as many times as it takes, until humanity breaks through its boundaries.
Best Player (No team deaths) 危機こそが特異点を生む……どうやら、恐怖が足りないようだ Crisis is what creates singularities... it seems fear is still lacking.

# Top

Attackers Soubiki NohoOuka TadaomiMarcos'55Sol BadguyRyuMaria =S= LeonbergAdam YurievRemKy KiskeVenus PororotchoDevilmintkiryu DelminLeviSaber AlterRurukaAis WallensteinKitsunegasaki AmairoNoctisIgnis 'Will' WispKiritoStellea Lala Silva2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoCu SithDenjiTanya DegurechaffCollapseBondrewdGon
Gunners RirikaLucianoFukagawa MatoiDizzy13 (Thirteen)EmiliaMeg MegKagamine RinIstaqaSon YurievNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroGilgameshHM-WA100 NidhoggAkutagawa RyunosukeGame Bazooka GirlAinz Ooal GownItomeguri RinneBugdollAcceleratorKing of the Sky Blaze DragonRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariShinonMilipoyu
Tanks Justice HancockJeanne d'ArcGustav HeydrichVioletta NoireKagamine LenMonokumaMeguminThomasSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuReisalin StoutAoharu AliceLovey ChouchoumarchouAmistad BalandinOnigashiki Ura
Sprinters Juumonji AtariVoidollNikola TeslaHatsune MikuCoquelicot BlancheChun-LiHeroic DasherZack and RachelKiryuin KiraraAquaReiyaPierre the 77thNakajima AtsushiJokerAsunaRamAl-Dahab AlkhatiyaBell CranelNanigashiPowerKillua
Collaboration Sol BadguyDizzyHatsune MikuRyuChun-LiEmiliaRemKy KiskeKagamine RinKagamine LenZack and RachelMonokumaAquaMeguminLeviNekomiya HinataOkabe RintaroSaber AlterGilgameshSatō Shirōbyōe TadanobuAis WallensteinNoctisNakajima AtsushiAkutagawa RyunosukeReisalin StoutJokerAinz Ooal GownKiritoAsunaRam2BRimuru TempestMisaka MikotoAcceleratorBell CranelRoxy MigurdiaMegaMan.EXE and Lan HikariDenjiPowerShinonTanya DegurechaffBondrewdGonKillua