Note: Some chat messages are changed in game update on April 22nd 2019. Some contents of this page may be outdated.
Chats are a feature of #COMPASS that allow you to communicate with the other players in your current battle. They are accessed through the buttons on the side of the screen, bringing out a list of potential messages that can be set in the main Settings Menu under the option 'チャット編集'.
Chats are divided into two categories, 'Global' and 'Team' depending on who can see them when they are sent. Global messages can be seen by players on both teams whereas Team messages can only be seen by members on your team. Generally, the Team messages are more strategic in nature and Global messages are more for banter and general communication.
Japanese | English |
よろしく! | Hey! |
よろしくです! | Hello! |
よろしくおねがいしまーす! | Nice to meet you! |
おつかれー | Good work |
いいゲームでした! | Good Game! |
おつかれちゃーん | Nice job |
敵チーム強かった!ナイスゲーム | The enemy team was strong! Nice game! |
ナイスプレイでした | Nice play! |
ギリギリまで熱い戦いでした | It was an intense battle until the very end! |
いやああああああああああああああ | NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
らめええええええええええええええ | STWOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP (NSFW) |
ありがとう | Thanks |
ありがとラございます! | Thank you! |
神キタ! | GOD IS HERE! |
草生えた | Growing grass (wwwww looks like grass) |
大草原 | Huge grass field (lots of www) |
大草原不可避 | Unavoidable huge grass field |
wwwwwwwww | lololololol |
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | lololololololololol |
888888888888 | 888888888888 (clapping sfx) |
8888888888888888888888 | 8888888888888888888888 (clapping sfx) |
初見です | First time I've seen this |
わこつ | Congrats |
(。・・)_且˜˜ お茶どうぞ | (。・・)_且˜˜ Please have some tea |
ゆっくりしていってね | Take it easy! |
今北産業 | What did I miss? |
や ら な い か | L e t ' s d o i t ( 18+ Yaoi reference ) |
m9 | m9 (pointing finger emoticon) |
[壁]ョд゚) オジ ャマシマース・・・ | [Wall]ョд゚) Pardon the intrusion... |
オキャクサン(´ノ∀`)イッラシャーイ!!! | Welcome(´ノ∀`)Guest!!! |
壁┃∀`*)ノ゙ こんばんは♪ | Wall┃∀`*)ノ゙ Good Evening♪ |
お母さんも応援してます。 | My mother is supporting me. |
ジャスティス?いいえジャンヌです | Justice? No, it's Jeanne. |
本当にありがとうございました。 | I am very grateful. (NSFW Text) |
一度しか言わないからな。··· 好きだ。 | I'm only going to say this once. ...I like you. |
もっと熱くなれよ! | Let's get hotter! |
エターナルフォースブリザード | Eternal Force Blizzard |
働いたら負けかなと思ってる | If I worked I would be a loser. |
我々の世界ではご褒美です | In our world, this is a reward! |
なん···だと··· | What do... you mean... |
Japanese | English |
ポータルキー制圧行きます | I'm going to capture the portal key. |
ポータルキーゲットだぜ | I got the portal key. |
ポータルキーが俺を呼んでいる | The portal key is calling to me. |
全力で守ります | I will protect it with all my might. |
守備は任せろ! | Leave the defense to me! |
命にかけて 守りきる! | I will protect it with my life! |
誰か助けて | Somebody help. |
・・・たす・・け・・て・・ | ...He..l..p.. |
私を助けてくれても良いですよ | It's okay for you to help me. |
やられた | They got me. |
無念。あとは任せた! | Regrettable. It's up to you now! |
死して屍拾うものなし・・・ | Those who die will not have their corpses recovered... |
了解です | I understand. |
おけ | Okay. |
がってんしょうち | Okie Dokie |
( ´・ω・`)ショボン | ( ´・ω・`)Depressed |
だめ | Useless. (Removed in June 2018) |
NOOOOおおおお! | のおおおOOOO! |
ドンマイ | Don't mind. |
ヒーロースキル使います! | I'll use my Hero Skill! |
ヒーロースキルでサポートするぜ! | I'll support with my Hero Skill! |
ヒーロースキルで逆転を狙うぜ! | I'll try and change the game with my Hero Skill! |
Aに向かいます | Heading to A. |
Bに向かいます | Heading to B. |
Cに向かいます | Heading to C. |
Dに向かいます | Heading to D. |
Eに向かいます | Heading to E. |
Aヤバイ | A is in danger. |
Bヤバイ | B is in danger. |
Cヤバイ | C is in danger. |
Dヤバイ | D is in danger. |
Eヤバイ | E is in danger. |
Aに集まれー | Gather at A. |
Bに集まれー | Gather at B. |
Cに集まれー | Gather at C. |
Dに集まれー | Gather at D. |
Eに集まれー | Gather at E. |
敵ポータルキーを狙うぜ! | I'll go for the enemy's portal keys! |
敵ポータルキーを狙ってえええええええええええ | Aim for the enemy's portal keeeeeeeeeeeeys! |
ポータルキーを守るよ | I'll protect this portal key. |
ポータルキーを守ってえええええええええええ | Protect the portal keeeeeeeeeey! |
裏取りに行きます | I'll flank them. |
裏取りに注意せよ | Be careful of the flank. |
裏取りに注意しよう! | Watch out for the flank! |
Σ(・ω・)はっ・・・裏取りの予感・・・っ! | I feel that enemies are going to flank...! |
挟み撃ちだね | It's a pincer movement. |
挟み撃ちに注意 | Careful of their pincer movement. |
右ルートへGOするわ | I'll GO to the right route. |
左ルートへGOするわ | I'll GO to the left route. |
中央ルートへGOするわ | I'll GO to the middle route. |
右ルート注意やで | Watch out for the right route. |
左ルート注意やで | Watch out for the left route. |
中央ルート注意やで | Watch out for the middle route. |
みんな集まってー | Everyone gather. |
前線で戦闘するで | Fighting on the frontline. |
戦闘するのでサポートよろ | We're fighting so please support. |
前線でサポートしまっせ | Support the front line. |
後方支援します | I'll aid the rear. |
回復は任せろや! | Don't worry, I'll heal you! |
回復お願い! | Please heal! |
回復ありがとう! | Thank you for healing! |
味方強化するぜ | I'll buff my allies. |
敵を弱体化させるぜ | I'll weaken the enemies. |
ちょっと敵引きつけてくるわ | I'll distract the enemies a little. |
スキルゲージ貯めます! | I'm charging my Hero Skill! |
スキルゲージ、貯めてもいいよ。 | You can charge your Hero Skill. |
みんなスキルゲージためようぜ | Let's all charge our Hero Skills! |
ポータルキー広げたる | Expanding portal key. |
ポータルキー広げてから前線行きます | Expanding portal key and then heading to the front line. |
ポータルキー維持します | Protecting this portal key. |
味方ナイス! | Ally, nice! |
ゴメン死んだわ | Sorry, I died. |
ゴメンミスった | Sorry, I made a mistake. |
一旦引きます | I'll pull back for now. |
ヒーロースキル使います | I'll use my Hero Skill. |
ちょいあとにヒーロースキル使います | I'll use my Hero Skill a little later. |
終盤でヒーロースキル任せろ | Leave your Hero Skills until the end game. |
一緒に戦ってね! | Let's fight together! |
みんなナイスプレーでした! | Everyone, nice play! |
最後よく耐えたね! | We survived well till the end! |
最後よく絶えたねorz | We died at the end orz |
味方強すぎー! | You guys are strong! |
味方強すぎませんかね | My allies are too strong |
一緒に頑張ろうぜぃ | Let's all do our best! |
勝ちにいくぜぃ | Let's win. |
勝ちは戦う前から決まっている | The victor has been decided before the battle even starts. |
まだ諦めないぞ! | I won't give up yet! |
みんな最後まで頑張ろう | Let's all do our best until the very end. |
スプリンター狙う | I'll aim for their sprinter. |
アタッカー狙う | I'll aim for their attacker. |
タンク狙う | I'll aim for their tank. |
ガンナー狙う | I'll aim for their gunner. |
今が攻めどき | It's time to attack. |
今は守るとき | It's time to defend. |
急げええええええええええええええええ | HURRRYYYYYYYY. |
おk | Ok. |
GJ | Good Job. |
ノシ | Waving (´∀`)ノシ |
(σ・ω・)σいいセンスだ | (σ・ω・)σ Good Sense! |
(`・ω・´ )シャキーン | (`・ω・´ )Shakin! (sfx) |
乙 | Nice try. |
リア充乙 | Nice try, normie. |
僕、満足! | I am, Satisfied! |
もう一回、もう一回!( ゚∀゚)o彡゜ | One more time, one more time! ( ゚∀゚)o彡゜ |
キタY⌒Y⌒Y(゚∀゚)キタY⌒Y⌒Y | It's hereY⌒Y⌒Y(゚∀゚)It's hereY⌒Y⌒Y |
計画通り ニヤ(·∀·)ニヤ | All according to plan. smile(·∀·)smile |
俺のターン! | It's my turn! |
ついカッとなってやった | I did it impulsivley. |
見ろ!!人がゴミのようだ!! | Look!! People are like garbage!! |
そんな装備で大丈夫か? | Are you sure that equipment is good enough? |
あぁん!?最近だらしねぇな! | Aah!? You've gotten sloppy recently! |
どうしてこうなった! | How did this happen! |
なにそれ?おいしいの? | What is that? Is it tasty? |
日本語でおk | Speak in Japanese. |
リリカと一緒に行動よろ | Act together with Ririka. (Removed in April 2019) |
リリカと一緒にがんばろっ♡ | Let's fight together with Ririka! |
リリカと? おk | With Ririka? OK. |
裏取り対処します | I'll take care of the flank. |
1番目の自陣ポータルキーに行きます | I'll go to our team's first portal key. |
2番目の自陣ポータルキーに行きます | I'll go to our team's second portal key. |
ヒーロースキル警戒! | Hero Skill Warning! |
ワープ使います | I'll use a warp. |
敵ワープに注意! | Caution, enemy warp! |
気にするな | Don't worry! |
俺に任せろ | Leave it to me. |
カバーします | I'll cover you. |
体制を立て直そう | |
3人揃ってから攻めよう | Let's attack when we have 3 people. |
罠おいとくわ | I'll set a trap down. |
敵の罠に注意 | Be careful of the enemy's trap. |
前方に罠あるよ | There's a trap ahead |
スプリンター | Sprinter (Removed in April 2019) |
アタッカー | Attacker (Removed in April 2019) |
タンク | Tank (Removed in April 2019) |
ガンナー | Gunner (Removed in April 2019) |
前線に向かって | Go to the front line (Removed in April 2019) |
前線から引いて | Retreat from the front line |
ポータルキーの守りお願い | Defend the portal key please |
敵が強化中! | Enemies are buffed! |
敵が持続回復中! | Enemies are continuously regenerating health! |
味方ありがとう | Thanks, ally |
ガードブレイク注意 | Watch out for their guard break |
敵タンクいない拠点狙おうぜ | Aim for where they don't have a tank positioned |
なんかゴメン… | I'm sorry for some reason |
敵陣の1番奥ポータルキー狙うわ! | I'll attack the enemy team's first portal key |
敵陣の2番奥ポータルキー狙うわ! | I'll attack the enemy team's second portal key |
あかーん | No! (Removed in April 2019) |
なんでやねーん | You're kidding! (Removed in April 2019) |
大丈夫だ問題ない | I'm okay, it's not a problem. |
尊すぎる | So precious |
TYI-82発見!!!! | I found an Oni! (TYI-82 is a name of official merch series that features Oni mark) |