Push Cards are cards that push any enemy hit by them away from the user.
Card | Name | Rarity | Rank | Type 1 | Ability |
Space Army Alliance Assault Suppression-Type Armored Multi-Legged Tank
連合宇宙軍強襲制圧型装甲多脚戦車 |
UR | C | Area | Pushes surrounding enemies away | |
Bad Sky Blood Purification Motorrad
凶天浄血モートルラート |
N | E | Near | Pushes the enemy in front of you away | |
- Blue Palace - White Winged Knight Zenit
-蒼王宮- 白翼騎士ジェニト |
SR | E | Near | Pushes the enemy in front of you away | |
メイ |
SR | Collab | Area | Pushes surrounding enemies away | |
Game Bazooka
ゲームバズーカ |
SR | D | Far | Pushes an enemy away | |
Divine Protection of the Tree Spirit Ishtinicke
樹霊の加護イシュティニケ |
SR | E | Near | Pushes the enemy in front of you away | |
-Blue Palace- Sorcery Death Tome Ten'
-蒼王宮- 魔導死書 チェーニ |
N | E | Near | Pushes the enemy in front of you away | |
【Mischevious Inventor】Nikola Tesla
【イタズラ発明家】ニコラテスラ |
UR | Event | Trap | Sets a trap that pushes enemies far away (lasts 20 seconds) | |
Garugaru's Sparkling Decor Tank
ガルガルのピカピカデコ戦車 |
UR | S1 | Harm / Key | Push enemies around the portal key in front far away | |
【Powerful Player】Kagamine Len
【パワフルプレイヤー】鏡音 レン |
SR | Collab | Area | Pushes surrounding enemies away | |
UMEEEEEE!!! Calorie Conqueror Puniatowski Family
UMEEEEEE!!! ㌍覇王 プニャトフスキ一族 |
UR | B | Trap | Sets a trap that pushes enemies far away (lasts 20 seconds) | |
UMEEEEEE!!! Calorie Missionary Remote Education Karate
UMEEEEEE!!! ㌍伝道 通信教育カラァーテェ |
UR | E | Near | Pushes the enemy in front of you far away | |
UMEEEEEE!!! Doubling Calorie Pizza Harem
UMEEEEEE!!! ㌍倍増 ピッツァハーレム |
SR | C | Area | Pushes surrounding enemies away | |
UMEEEEEE!!! Full of Calorie Pizza Full Course Meal
UMEEEEEE!!! ㌍満載 ピッツァフルコース |
SR | B | Trap | Sets a trap that pushes enemies away (lasts 20 seconds) | |
UMEEEEEE!!! Thousand Times More Calorie Calorical Cola
UMEEEEEE!!! ㌍千倍 カロリカルコーラ |
N | C | Area | Pushes surrounding enemies away | |
Fighting Spirit! Infusion! Inherited Soul Game Bazooka 闘魂!注入!受け継がれし魂 ゲームバズーカ | UR | D | Far | Knocks out enemies far away. | |
Annihilate! Destroy! Super Gravity Cannon G-Bazooka 必殺!滅殺!超重力子砲 G-バズーカ | N | D | Far | Pushes an enemy away. |