Harm Cards are cards that hurt the enemy. This is a separate type as it is applied in conjunction with a card type that usually does no damage such as Stun or Key.
Card | Name | Rarity | Rank | Type 2 | Ability |
Red Roses Vice Captain Amistad
紅薔薇の副団長アミスター |
UR | S1 | Key / Stun | Stuns enemies around the portal key in front for 4 seconds | |
Garugaru's Sparkling Decor Tank
ガルガルのピカピカデコ戦車 |
UR | S1 | Key / Push | Push enemies around the portal key in front far away | |
【Trigger Happy】Megumegu
【トリガーハッピー】メグメグ |
UR | Event | Key / Explosion | Drops a Meg Meg branded bomb on the key in front! | |
#Noctilucent Crime Municipality #Ender's Self-Praise Rally
#夜光犯罪特区 #終夜の俺様賛美会 |
UR | S1 | Key/Silence | Silence enemies around the key in front for 12 seconds |