Theme Of | |||
Violetta Noire | |||
Song Title | |||
"カンタービレ×パッシオーネ" Romaji: Kantaabire × Passhioone English: Cantabile × Passione | |||
Producer | |||
OSTER Project (music, lyrics) Booota (illust) Emumelo (video) | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Release Date | |||
Aug.11.2017 | |||
Link | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji |
時を越えて五線譜に記したシンフォニー | toki o koete gosenfu ni shirushita shinfonii |
鮮やかに羽ばたくメロディに心託して | azayaka ni habataku merodi ni kokoro takushite |
木枯らしの中見つけたエチュード | kogarashi no naka mitsuketa echuudo |
月の光が照らしたノクターン | tsuki no hikari ga terashita nokutaan |
フレーズの狭間に残された | fureezu no hazama ni nokosareta |
物語に想い馳せ | monogatari ni omoi hase |
悲愴の夜明け 雨だれの朝 | hisou no yoake amadare no asa |
水の戯れ ため息の湖畔 | mizu no tawamure tameiki no kohan |
踊る指先白熱するパッセージの果て光る | odoru yubisaki hakunetsu suru passeeji no hate hikaru |
歴史の全ては今この手に | rekishi no subete wa ima kono te ni |
愛の夢もテンペストもめくるページから | ai no yume mo tenpesuto mo mekuru peeji kara |
生まれては消える泡沫の恋 | umarete wa kieru utakata no koi |
永遠の美しさを宿し響くカンパネラ | towa no utsukushi sa o yadoshi hibiku kanpanera |
鮮やかに羽ばたくメロディは世界を照らす | azayaka ni habataku merodi wa sekai o terasu |
一筋の煌めき | hitosuji no kirameki |
乙女の祈り捧げたロンド | otome no inori sasageta rondo |
幻想 綴る別れとプレリュード | gensou tsuzuru wakare to pureryuudo |
コーダに向かい堰を切った音の波に身を委ね | kooda ni mukai seki o kitta oto no nami ni mi o yudane |
激情のまま叫ぶ魂 | gekijou no mama sakebu tamashii |
夏の夢もラプソディと共に響き合い | natsu no yume mo rapusodi totomoni hibikiai |
今を彩る刹那の灯火 | ima o irodoru setsuna no tomoshibi |
縋るように鍵盤に刻んだジムノペディ | sugaru you ni kenban ni kizanda jimunopedi |
艶やかに旅立つハーモニーは世界を駆ける | adeyaka ni tabidatsu haamonii wa sekai o kakeru |
一陣の騒めき | ichi jin no zawameki |
愛の夢もテンペストも巡る調べから | ai no yume mo tenpesuto mo meguru shirabe kara |
生まれては消え繋がる旋律 | umarete wa kie tsunagaru senritsu |
永遠の美しさを秘めて響くカンパネラ | towa no utsukushi sa o himete hibiku kanpanera |
鮮やかに羽ばたくメロディは世界を変える | azayaka ni habataku merodi wa sekai o kaeru |
目眩く革命 | mekurumeku kakumei |
English Translation |
The symphony written on the musical score over time, |
I entrust my heart to its vividly flapping melody |
The etude found in the cold, wintry wind |
The nocturne lit by moonlight |
Thinking about the story in the spaces |
between the phrases |
Sorrowful dawn, rainy morning, |
playing water, and the lake shore of sighs |
The end of the passage shines white hot, with the heat of dancing fingertips |
All of history is now in this hand |
The dream of love and the tempest are born, then disappear |
from the turning page; what transient love |
Holding the beauty of eternity, the campanella resonates |
The vividly flapping melody illuminates the world |
(in) a strand of glitter |
The rondo offers up the maiden's prayer |
Illusions composing farewell and prelude |
Facing the coda, I surrender myself to the wave of sound that burst out |
The soul screaming true to its passion |
The dream of summer, as well as the rhapsody, meet and echo together |
The torch of the moment coloring the present |
The gymnopédies were carved into the keyboard as if they were clinging to it |
The glamorous, departing harmony starts to dash over the world; |
A noisy gust of wind |
The dream of love and the tempest are born, then disappear |
and connect from the wandering tune; what melody |
Hiding the beauty of eternity, the campanella resonates |
The vividly flapping melody changes the world |
(in) the blinding revolution |