NND Compass Wiki

Theme Of
Kagamine Len
Song Title
Romaji: Migikata no Chou
English: Butterfly on your Right Shoulder
Nori-P (music)
Yura Mizuno (lyrics)
Akiakane (illust)
Kagamine Len
Release Date
Niconico Broadcast / Youtube Reprint


Japanese Romaji
右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で Migikata ni murasaki chōcho kisu o shita kono heya no sumi de
切ないという感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 Setsunai to iu kanjou o shiru hibiku piano fukyou waon

悪い夢にうなされた私を早く起こして Warui yume ni una sareta watashi o hayaku okoshite
どんなことでも始まりは些細なことでしょう? Donna koto demo hajimari wa sasai na koto deshou?
どこがいいかなんて 聞かれても困る綺麗な Doko ga iika nante kikare temo komaru kirei na
夜に惑わされたまま行方不明だから Yoru ni madowa sareta mama yukue fumei dakara

長いまつげ 三日月アイラインまぶたに乗せて 光るリップ Nagai matsuge mikazuki airain mabuta ni nosete hikaru lippu

右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で Migi kata ni murasaki choucho kisu o shita kono heya no sumi de
切ないという感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 Setsunai to iu kanjou o shiru hibiku piano fukyou waon

雨の中で濡れた 髪が異常に冷たくて Ame no naka de nureta kami ga ijou ni tsumetakute
寂しさをトイレに吐き出して震えて待ってる Samishisa o toire ni haki dashite furuete matteru
追いかけては逃げるからそれ以上で返して Oi kake tewa nigeru kara sore ijou de kaeshite
真剣だから笑うと痛い目に遭うよいい? Shinken dakara warau to itai me ni au yo ii?

赤い爪と 安物の指輪 傷付く度増えるピアス Akai tsume to yasumono no yubiwa kizu tsuku tabi fueru piasu

抱き寄せて 歪んだ体 埋めるのはあなたしかいない Daki yosete yuganda karada umeru nowa anata shika inai
そうでしょう? わかってるくせに 境界線とっくに越えてる Sou deshō? wakatteru kuse ni kyōkai sen tokkuni koe teru
後悔は死ぬほどしてる その分だけ快感を呼び覚ます Koukai wa shinu hodo shiteru sono bun dake kaikan o yobi samasu
狂いだした私を止めて 一瞬でラクにしてよ Kurui dashita watashi o tomete isshun de raku ni shite yo

傷口から溶け出したものは 愛情それとも Ah... Kizuguchi kara toke dashita mono wa aijou sore tomo Ah...

後悔は死ぬほどしてる その分だけ快感を呼び覚ます Koukai wa shinu hodo shiteru sono bun dake kaikan o yobi samasu
狂いだした私を止めて 一瞬でラクにしてよ Kurui dashita watashi o tomete isshun de raku ni shite yo
抱き寄せて 歪んだ体 埋めるのはあなたしかいない Daki yosete yuganda karada umeru nowa anata shika inai
そうでしょう? わかってるくせに 境界線とっくに越えてる Sou deshou? wakatteru kuse ni kyoukai sen tokkuni koe teru

右肩に紫蝶々 キスをしたこの部屋の隅で Migi kata ni murasaki chōcho kiss o shita kono heya no sumi de
切ないという感情を知る 響くピアノ 不協和音 Setsunai to iu kanjō o shiru hibiku piano fukyou waon

右肩に紫蝶々 「キスをしたこの部屋の隅で」 Migi kata ni murasaki choucho (kisu o shita kono heya no sumi de)
切ないという感情を知る 「響くピアノ」 Setsunai to iu kanjō o shiru (hibiku piano)
不協和音 Fukyou waon

English Translation
In a corner of this room where I kissed a purple butterfly on my right shoulder,
I learn the emotion of grief, as the piano emits an echoing tune of dissonance.

I'm having a nightmare, so please wake me up quickly.
Everything begins from something minuscule, doesn't it?
If I were asked where I'd like to go, I won't know the answer,
for I am lost and missing because I am being allured by the beautiful night.

Long eyelashes, crescent eye lines, and shining lips.

In a corner of this room where I kissed a purple butterfly on my right shoulder,
I learn the emotion of grief, as the piano emits an echoing tune of dissonance.

My hair, soaked in the rain, is so unusually cold,
so I spew out my loneliness in the bathroom, and wait while trembling.
If I catch up to you, you just escape. Won't you give me back something more?
I am serious! So if you laugh, you're in for it. Understood?

Red nails, cheap rings, and piercings that increase in number whenever I get hurt.

Please hold my distorted body close to you. Only you will fill it up.
Isn't that right? See, you understand it, too! You've already crossed the boundary.
I have so much regret that I could die, but I also conjure up just as much pleasure.
Please stop me as I'm going out of control, and give me peace and comfort.

What has begun to dissolve into my wound? Is it love, or...? Ah...

I have so much regret that I could die, but I also conjure up just as much pleasure.
Please stop me as I'm going out of control, and give me peace and comfort.
Please hold my distorted body close to you. Only you will fill it up.
Isn't that right? See, you understand it, too! You've already crossed the boundary.

In a corner of this room where I kissed a purple butterfly on my right shoulder,
I learn the emotion of grief, as the piano emits an echoing tune of dissonance.
In a corner of this room where I kissed a purple butterfly on my right shoulder,
I learn the emotion of grief, as the piano emits
English Translation by animeyay and have been approved in Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
