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Theme Of
Song Title

Romaji: Kimi no kaze ni naru
English: Become Your Wind

Kagamine Rin
Release Date
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji
この星に生まれた意味を 誰もが探してさ kono hoshi ni umareta imi o daremo ga sagashite sa
不器用なその眼差しで コタエを求めてる bukiyou na sono manazashi de kotae o motometeru

生き残るために ikinokoru tame ni
誰かを蹴落として dareka o keotoshite
なにかを失っていく nanika o ushinatte iku
きっと、今日もまた、この世界 ばしょ で kitto, kyou mo mata, kono basho de

ヒトはいつの時代も hito wa itsu no jidai mo
傷つけあうことしか kizutsukeau koto shika
できない運命-さだめ-だから dekinai sadame dakara
君が望むのなら kimi ga nozomu no nara
君の力-かぜ-になる kimi no kaze ni naru

この星で散りゆく血 いのち 誰もが忘れてく kono hoshi de chiri yuku inochi daremo ga wasureteku
繰り返す過ちがまた ナミダを作りだす kurikaesu ayamachi ga mata namida o tsukuridasu

ウソだらけの翼 アイ で uso darake no ai de
包みこむフリして tsutsumikomu furi shite
ヒトは奪いあってきた hito wa ubaiatte kita
ずっと、これからも、このままさ zutto, kore kara mo, kono mama sa

悲しみなきセカイを kanashimi naki sekai o
誰もが追い求めて daremo ga oimotomete
裏切られてきたのに uragirarete kita no ni
いつか叶う日がくると itsuka kanau hi ga kuru to
何故か夢見てる nazeka yumemiteru

どこかに埋もれた dokoka ni umoreta
コタエを得るため kotae o eru tame
彷徨いつづけろ samayoitsuzukero
未来 アス は誰も知らない asu wa daremo shiranai

ヒトはいつの時代も hito wa itsu no jidai mo
傷つけあうことしか kizutsukeau koto shika
できない運命 さだめ だから dekinai sadame dakara
君が望むのなら kimi ga nozomu no nara
君の力 かぜ になる kimi no kaze ni naru

いつか叶う日まで どこまでも itsuka kanau hi made doko made mo
君の力 かぜ になる kimi no kaze ni naru

English Translation
Everyone is searching for why they were born on this planet
searching for an answer, with cowardly gazes.

They kick down someone else
to survive
and lose something
Surely, today will be the same, in this world

People will, forever and ever,
get injured
So it's a destiny they'll never fulfil
If you'll ever want it,
i'll be your power.

Everyone forgets the blood, that spills on this planet
their repeated mistakes, produce tears

With wings riddled with lies
they pretended to be wrapped up
and snatched away people
throughout, from now, will be as is

Everyone wants
a world without sorrow
and though they were betrayed
They somehow dream,
that the day it'll come true, will arrive

It's buried somewhere,
so to find an answer,
keep on searching.
No-one knows what the future holds

People will, forever and ever,
get injured
So it's a destiny they'll never fulfil
If you'll ever want it,
I'll be your power.

Until it comes true some day, for forever,
I'll be your power.
English Translation via Vocadb
