NND Compass Wiki
Theme Of
Fukagawa Matoi
Song Title
Romaji: Ayakashi
buzzG (music, lyrics)
YahaKo (illust)
Kei Nakamura (bass)
tomoboP (mix, mastering)
Hatsune Miku
Release Date
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji
驚天動地の終末だ kyoutendouchi no shuumatsu da
枯らしきった現(うつ)し世(よ)で karashikitta utsushi yo de
動き出した歯車は止められない ugokidashita haguruma wa tomerarenai
命運と踊ろうか meiun to odorou ka
信ノ念に似た弾丸で shin no nen ni nita dangan de
撃ち抜けぬものはない、 uchi nukenu mono wa nai,
と出鱈目を貫く to detarame o tsuranuku

“むすんで ひらいて” “musunde hiraite”
いつかの声で itsuka no koe de
忘られぬ日々と wasurerarenu hibi to
行く末を知った yukusue o shitta

殺しても 化かしても koroshite mo bakashite mo
この心消せないのなら kono kokoro kesenai no nara
歪(いびつ)な生命の進化の意味を受け入れてよ ibitsu na seimei no shinka no imi o ukeirete yo
叫んでよ 喚いてよ sakende yo wameite yo
雨の帳(とばり)で赦(ゆる)された ame no tobari de yurusareta
朽ちた遠吠えに変わったって 構わない kuchita touboe ni kawattatte kamawanai

ぼっと妖艶な蒼い提灯 botto youen na aoi chouchin
ぎらぎらと勇む眼だ giragira to isamu me da
見苦しいほど生き急いだ migurushii hodo iki isoida
鏡の前 kagami no mae
体裁なんて関係ない teisai nante kankei nai
懐に忍ばせていた futokoro ni shinobasete ita
鈍(なまくら)になった心は namakura ni natta kokoro wa
醜くも、美しい minikuku mo, utsukushii

泣いて 恨んで naite urande
呪わばふたつ norowaba futatsu
忘られぬ日々に wasurerarenu hibi ni
暇(いとま)を乞う itoma o kou

望んでも 願っても nozonde mo negatte mo
散りゆくことが定めなら chiriyuku koto ga sadame nara
せめて頓珍漢な俗世の謎を撃ち抜いてくれ semete tonchinkan na zokusei no nazo o uchinuitekure
壊しても 砕いても kowashite mo kudaite mo
決して消えない光が kesshite kienai hikari ga
心(しん)ノ臓にまだ宿っているのでしょう shin no zou ni mada yadotte iru no deshou

彷徨える残り火よ samayoeru nokoribi yo
まほろばの夢に眠れ mahoroba no yume ni nemure
虚ろな水瓶(みずがめ)と utsuro na mizugame to
穢(けが)れた手足は kegareta teashi wa
誰がためにある? da ga tame ni aru?
覚束ないまま走れ obotsukanai mama hashire

笑っても 飾っても waratte mo kazatte mo
どうせ暴かれるのなら douse abakareru no nara
無様だろうと自分でいたい buzama darou to jibun de itai
どんな明日がきても donna asu ga kite mo

殺しても 化かしても koroshite mo bakashite mo
この心消せない だから kono kokoro kesenai dakara
歪な生命が在った証を ibitsu na seimei ga atta akashi o
焼き付けてよ yakitsukete yo
痛がって 強がって itagatte tsuyogatte
誰に認められたわけじゃなく dare ni mitomerareta wake janaku
そのすべてがきっと sono subete ga kitto
命の燃える音だろう inochi no moeru oto darou

English Translation
It's an astounding end
In this completely dry, transient world,
the moving gear is unstoppable
Shall we dance with our fate?
"With this bullet resembling my true feeling,
there's nothing I can't shoot",
I persist in such bullshit

"Tie it, open it"
with my voice someday
I knew the unforgettable days
and my future

Even if you kill me, even if you delude me,
if you can't erase my heart,
then accept the meaning of my distorted life's evolution
Shout, scream
I've been forgiven at the rain's curtain
It doesn't matter if it changed into a rotten howl

The flaring, fascinating blue paper lantern
My eyes glare in high spirits
I lived recklessly, so much that it was unsightly
in front of a mirror
It's nothing to do with my appearance
I hid it in the pocket
My blunted heart is
ugly, yet lovely

Cry, resent me
The curse will rebound to yourself as well
In the unforgettable days,
I beg to depart

Even if you wish for me, even if you beg for me,
if death is my destiny,
then at least, shoot the mystery of this absurd world
Even if you break it, even if you smash it,
the light will never vanish,
it still remains in the bowels of my heart

Wandering embers,
die in the great land of Yamato
The empty jar and
my stained hands and feet
are for whom?
Run while feeling doubt

Even if I smile, even if I adorn myself,
if I'll be exposed after all,
I want to stay with my unsightly self
No matter what kind of tomorrow will come

Even if you kill me, even if you delude me,
you can't erase my heart,
so burn away the proof of
my distorted life's existence
Be in pain, bluff
It's not like I was recognized by anyone
All of that must be
the sound burning my life
English translation by Ikhwan EQ-1 and have been approved in Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
