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Theme Of
Song Title

Romaji: Arukari Rettousei
Official English: Alkali Underachiever

Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)

(ノω・、) (illust)

Hatsune Miku
Release Date
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji
ココロ ぽつり kokoro potsuri
張り詰め プツリ haritsume putsuri
四六時 背伸び shirokuji senobi
いたずらに 病み itazura ni yami
ココロ 肯定 kokoro koutei
出来ず 擦りキズ dekizu suri kizu
しのぐ コノ毒 shinogu kono doku
至らず 孤独 itarazu kodoku

彩って 精一杯 頑張ったって 真っ赤っ赤 irodotte seiippai ganbattatte makkakka
無個性 劣等生 聞きたくないよ mukosei rettousei kikitakunai yo

ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 嫌いにならないで rurukaririkarura rirarurara kirai ni naranaide
ドロリ泥マミレ 存在の 意義を知りたくて dorori doro mamire sonzai no igi o shiritakute
ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 置いていかないで rurukaririkarura rirarurara oite ikanaide
クラリ暗がりの中 故に 前も見えなくて kurari kuragari no naka yue ni mae mo mienakute

ココロの歪(いびつ) 匿(かくま)い 微熱 kokoro no ibitsu kakumai binetsu
忍ぶ コノ毒 終いに孤独 shinobu kono doku shimai ni kodoku

繕って 愛いっぱい 振る舞ったって 目眩(めまい)マイマイ tsukurotte aiippai furumattatte memaimaimai
「頑張って」「笑って」 聞きたくないよ… "ganbatte" "waratte" kikitakunai yo…

ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 離れてかないで rurukaririkarura rirarurara hanaretekanaide
閉ざし 閉ざされ この世界に 異議とか唱えて tozashi tozasare kono sekai ni igi toka tonaete
ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 見捨てないでいて rurukaririkarura rirarurara misutenaide ite
澄み渡る空の【青】色が 今も眩しくて sumiwataru sora no "ao" iro ga ima mo mabushikute

ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 何も変われなくて rurukaririkarura rirarurara nani mo kaware nakute
踏まれ踏み外した未来(あす)でも ゴール駆け抜けて fumare fumihazushita asu demo gooru kakenukete

ルルカリリカルラ リラルララ 変わりゆく世界は rurukaririkarura rirarurara kawariyuku sekai wa
キラリ【嫌】いだらけ だけれど ぬくもりも感じて kirari "kira"i darake dakeredo nukumori mo kanjite
ありのままの自分で arinomama no jibun de

English Translation
My heart stands alone;
it strains and snaps
24 hours a day,
I stretch and hurt in vain
Unable to confirm what’s in my heart,
I get scraped up
I withstand this poison,
this inadequate loneliness

I give it my all until my face is red from exertion
“Unoriginal,” “underachiever”–I don’t wanna hear it

Luluka, Lilika, lula lilalulala–Don’t hate me
I want to know the meaning of my mud-smeared existence
Luluka, Lilika, lula lilalulala–Don’t leave me behind
I’m surrounded by darkness, so I can’t even see ahead of me

The distortion of my heart; my hidden passion
This sneaking poison, this loneliness in the end

Acting like I’m all better now and full of love made me dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
“Do your best,” “smile”–I don’t wanna hear it

Luluka, Lilika, lula lilalulala–Don’t go away
Chanting something like an objection to this world that closes off and is closed off
Luluka, Lilika, lula lilalulala–Don’t abandon me
The perfectly clear blue of the sky is dazzling even now

Luluka, Lilika, lula lilalulala–Without changing anything,
Even if tomorrow you put a foot wrong and stumble, keep running toward your goal

Luluka, Lilika, lilalulala–The changing world
Is full of gleaming hatred, but you should feel the warmth, too
Just the way you are
English translation by Bluepenguin of EJ Translation and have been approved in Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
