Note: This cannot be used to transfer your account from iOS to Android or vice versa. See Data Transfer for it.
#COMPASS accounts can be bound to your Apple ID or Google Account in order to keep account safe, and make reinstalling and transferring account to a device with same OS easier.
Once account is bound successfully, The 'Link your savedata' mission will become completed and player can claim 500 BitMoney.
Binding your account[]
- Open Settings Menu
- Scroll down and press 連携する (Bind) with Game Center/Google Play Games icon (varies by OS)
- If you see 連携済み (Bound) instead of it, the account is already bound.
- Press 連携する (Bind). Login with your Apple ID or Google Account if you were asked to.
- If a message with 2 rank icons appears, you have already bound another #COMPASS account to Apple ID/Google Account and you are asked which account do you want to keep. Top one is the account that you are playing on, while bottom one is the account that you have bound before. Press 連携 (Bind) button beside an account you want to keep. After pressing the button, You will receive a confirmation dialog with the unselected account being shown, so press 連携 (Bind), or if you chose the wrong one, press X to go back.
- If 失敗 (Failed) message appears, on iOS, make sure that your Game Center is enabled in your device settings and logged into it. On Android, make sure that you have the latest version of Google Play Games app and logged into it.
- If you get 連携しました (Binding completed) message, your account is bound successfully. Do not forget to go to Home tab, open Missions and claim your 500 BitMoney.
Recovering your account[]
To recover your account after reinstalling or getting a new device, follow these steps:
- Open device settings on iOS or Google Play on Android, and login with your Apple ID or Google Account that you have bound your #COMPASS account to.
- Install and launch #COMPASS. Press 同意して開始 (Agree to the Terms and Conditions and start the game)
- If '【!】データ復旧を問い合わせ中です【!】' (You are currently inquiring about recovering account) message appears but you did not contact NHN PlayArt about it, task kill #COMPASS and try again.
- セーブデータ連携しますか? (Do you want to bind your account?) message should appear. Press 連携 (Bind). If this does not appear, make sure that you logged into your device, quit the #COMPASS task and try again.
- A message with 2 rank icons appears. Press 連携 (Bind) button on an account with higher rank.