Card Ability
Leads the invited warrior to the paradise of heaven, however...
Card Stats
Level | Attack | Defense | Health |
1 | 23 | 9 | 280 |
20 | |||
30 | |||
40 | |||
50 | |||
60 |
- The cooldown time for this card, 530, is a reference to May 30th, the date of Jeanne d'Arc's death.
- If this is used by Jeanne, a special death message '天上の神の祝福により魂は羅針の先へと導かれる (As a blessing from the God in heaven, Her soul will be guided to beyond the compass needle)' will be shown. If used by 13 (Thirteen), it will be '堕天の罪により天界へ昇ることは許されない (He is not allowed to ascend to heaven due to the sin of falling)'.