Good news, it is confirmed that the game will receive an anime adaptation, please can you tell me: 🙏🙏
How does it end if it has a story mode?
Who could be considered the protagonist?
What's on your mind?
3 Votes in Poll
Good news, it is confirmed that the game will receive an anime adaptation, please can you tell me: 🙏🙏
How does it end if it has a story mode?
Who could be considered the protagonist?
Jackie o Hearts
He is sprinter
Inspired by that one poem
Any suggestions and headcanons?
This might take some time to add so please be patient
Some cards also need to be checked and updated by patch balances, if you know which ones are please mention it here (there's a lot to see)
You can now make OCs/collab characters that is not here in the game here in this wiki
That if you click on a character name in the hero gacha description it would take you to their page, why cant they do that. i swear its really obvious for me that they should add that.. why..
Any headcanons for her?
9 Votes in Poll
Will i headcanon her as german?
The next songs doesn't have yet their respective English Translation for their theme songs, if someone can found them, please let it know with a reply, thank you.
-Call Of Justice (Justice)
-Tesla In A Dream (Tesla)
-Become Your Wind (Istaqa)
-Absolute (Thomas)
-Alice Blue (Alice)
-Oshioki GIMMICK!! (Stellea)
-BLINDNESS (Nanigashi)
I just fused alejandro with magical girl ririka
What have i done
Guys i need someone to make nnd compass fanon
Figety philip
The nnd compass universe